
When have you been put on a new project that was far more challenging than anything you'd worked on before?

I work for a small trading company. It's a very small team of four developers, two of whom -- myself and another guy -- do the coding for the actual algorithms and develop the main application used by the traders. To be honest, the work we do here is generally very simple from a programming standpoint. The traders come up with a relativ...

SE - Software as a profession

I am currently working as a trainee programmer in a software farm. I am somewhat frustrated and considering abandoning this profession. I don't agree with the most of the answers of this post. Can anyone answer the following questions? Is pressure inherent to Software Programming? Is it mandatory for a programmer to grasp the total b...

Professional Bodies

Does anyone know about the worth of professional bodies in the UK? I know that the BCS and IET exist but am unsure as to what they offer. I've just started a graduate job and am wondering if it is worth joining. ...

What is considered "advanced professional", or "advanced programmer"?

I found this statement a couple of times. What do the professionals consider advanced? ...

Need advice on shifting to Programming and a degree

I am 33 year old and been in IT/testing for about 7 years. Have worked in all aspects of software development Recently I have been thinking about shifting to development as I have been doing a lot of scripting to automate some QA tasks and it’s a lot more fun than testing software. I also have GI bill from my days in Military to pay for ...

How to code in professional manner?

I was wondering, how a program can be written in a perfect professional style. Many times it happens that we write a very good program/code which gives the accurate output.One might use the best algorithm to solve the given problem. But for a person who is reading your code for his/her reference, it becomes difficult to unders...

When should one apply Code Refactoring techinques in rails ?

What ever i am coding is it a Refactored code or not ? This question always makes me think twice while coding in Rails . When Should one apply Code Refactoring techniques in rails ? ,Are there any best practices for refactoring ? , Scenarios which you have come across your development experience will help people coding Professionally an...

Proper syntax usage in a professional enviroment.

As I am about to be finish with school here and starting out as a basement coder my syntax usage of various languages is 'Unique' at best. I was curious if professionally I should relearn a better way or just keep trucking. I doubt someone will not hire someone because say in perl while ($loopcounter < 10) { is used instead of while...

Relation between web design, interface design and web development in the professional world ?

Hello, I'm a student from france, and I'm passionated by building websites. I don't care if it's about interface design, web design or web development, I love them all! Although these domains are very related to each other, the educational world seems to make a huge difference between them so there are no studies having all of them (in ...

Is it possible to start a new job with a language I have little experience in?

The question is how to succeed to escape from the job you are very good at. I worked 12 years with the same language for 2 different companies. The easiest for me is to search another company which is using that same language - again. But, what if you want to work in another environment? Even just another language ? I find it very dif...

Experiences with using Alloy in real-world projects

I have been interested in formal methods for some time. I have used formal methods to reason about some very specific sub-areas of a few projects I have been working on. I was never able to convince other team members to try the same let alone specify an entire domain with a formal method. One method I have found particularly interesti...

What does it mean to be an expert?

I've been developing in C++ for over a decade, for quite a few of those years as a full-time job. But I still find things about the language I wasn't aware of. I've worked with MFC for years, but there are still big areas I know little about. And so on. Yet if I was applying for a job I'd call myself an expert in both, because otherwis...

As a Web Developer, how complicated is your average job compared to this?

I'm 16 years old, and I've recently started to do freelance jobs. I've been playing with PHP since I was 12 and think that I can code reasonably well. So far, I've created a library for fetching info from LinkedIn profiles and some WordPress plugins. However, right now this client wants me to convert an HTML template into a WordPress ...

How can a Rails newbie find a job as a Rails developer?

I'm a Ruby on Rails newbie. I'm learning Rails in my spare time (my day job is C++ developer) and I like it. I would like to be paid to do Rails development full-time instead of C++. How can I find a job in Rails when most job offering requires 2-5 years of Rails experience? What is the most effective strategy to get some credibility a...

Becoming a professional PHP programmer. How?

Hello there, I'm working on my first professional project. The fact is that I don't know which are the best tools to produce something serious (I'm talking about web-develop through PHP): Are template engine like Smarty mandatory? Which one is "the best" (the most used, complete, documentated) At the moment I'm developing on Notepad++ ...

Can I become high skilled developer without learning C/C++?

Hi, I always thought that to be a "real" software developer or to work for serious companies on serious software projects, C/C++ knowledge is a requirement. A mandatory one. I also thought that building software with C# is just as building a website with ASP.NET controls: it is still possible to do for some small products, but trying t...

What should an amateur programmer know about professional programming?

Possible Duplicate: What should every programmer know? I think many amateur programmers are here who are just writing programs, games, websites, demos for fun in their free time. I think many of them dreaming about getting a programming job in a company and earning a lot of money. I'm an amateur programmer, who code games fo...

It is worth moving from tester to business analyst?

I don't know if it's worth to change profession from tester into business analyst. Do you have some experiences with such transition? What are ups and downs of such move? Is business analyst more profitable? I would be grateful for any help. ...

What do you wish you'd known leaving College as a CS Major?

List 5 things you wish you'd known/done/emphasized differently now that you're in the workforce (in the context of your college software development). Thanks from KY for your wisdom. ...

Where is a proper place to get SMALL programming task performed for pay?

Stackoverflow is a terrific and valuable resource for learning from others how to solve problems. I can get good answers to questions fairly fast. But, sometimes, I don't really want an answer, I want a simple solution, a small task performed and it would not be etiquette to ask the community to perform task as it is to ask for answers...