
How to remove .NET Remoting Fatal problem :Exception

Hello, I am implementing Publisher/Subscriber pattern via .NET Remoting. My publisher is waiting for incoming requests on its url. At its side remoting environment configures properly and no problem at all. At subscriber's end when I make some subscriptions from its side to publisher, it hangs out. I mean program hangs and console sho...

Accessing Rack middleware objects

Hi, I'm using Faye for pubsub along with Sinatra. Presently, I'm using Faye:RackAdapter in my like so: use Faye::RackAdapter, :mount => '/faye', :timeout => 45 I'd like to be able to add extensions to the instance of Faye::Server. I've tried to retrieve the server object and manipulate it from Sinatra, but it doesn't appea...

Weblogic 10.3 pubsub API - anybody ?!

Recently got to know that WL10.3 inculdes "pubsub" API for doing comet. In this regard there's a question - is it useable in real projects ?! Would like to hear people that have been used this API in real work. Thanks! ...

PHP possible to lock downloaded content?

Hi There, I am currently working on a project that will work on a membership system. The theory behind the website is that you can download electronic (PDF) versions of a magazine, if you are a paying member of the website. The problem arises in that after downloading the PDF it can be sent to anyone and accessed by anyone. Is ther...

PubSubHubBub and notifications

I use this example: but I have a problem. It doesn't log anything in notifications.log. I use both PubSubhHubbub plugin for wordpress to send notification to the hub and blogger ,but I doesn't receive anything. In system.log is written:Positive response to "subscribe" request - that's all. ...

How to simulate a message bus in Qt?

I need to implement a simple message bus: One process only thus no need do D-Bus. Publish/subscribe to typed events (Could even be QObjects) I was thinking of using QSignalMapper to tag the "named events", then re-emitting from a slot or connecting the publishers signal to the subscriber's signal... Any suggestions thoughts? Or sho...