
pyGame within a pyGTK application

What is the best way to use PyGame (SDL) within a PyGTK application? I'm searching for a method that allows me to have a drawing area in the GTK window and at the same time being able to manage both GTK and SDL events. ...

SVG rendering in a PyGame application

In a pyGame application, I would like to render resolution-free GUI widgets described in SVG. What tool and/or library can I use to reach this goal ? (I like the OCEMP GUI toolkit but it seems to be bitmap dependent for its rendering) ...

Is Python and pygame a good way to learn SDL?

If I want to move to C++ and SDL in the future, is Python and pygame a good way to learn SDL? ...

how to draw lines on a picture background in pygame

I would like to draw lines (of arbitrary position and length) onto a surface in pygame, which itself is an image loaded from a file on disk. Can anyone point me to some example code that does this? ...

How to make a surface with a transparent background in pygame

Can someone give me some example code that creates a surface with a transparent background in pygame? ...

What can Pygame do in terms of graphics that wxPython can't ?

Hello, I want to develop a very simple 2D game in Python. Pygame is the most popular library for game development in Python, but I'm already quite familiar with wxPython and feel comfortable using it. I've even written a Tetris clone in it, and it was pretty smooth. I wonder, what does Pygame offer in terms of graphics (leaving sound a...

How to blend drawn circles with pygame

I am trying to create an application like the one here: Basically lots of overlapping circles drawn with pygame. I cannot figure out how the blend the circles to make them translucent. That is to have overlapping colors show through. My code so far is this: import sys, random, time import pygame from pygame....

Differences between Python game libraries Pygame and Pyglet?

I've had some experience with Pygame, but there seems to be a lot of buzz around Pyglet these days. How do these two libraries compare? What would be the advantage of using one over the other, both in features and ease of use? Finally, would you say that one is more Pythonic than the other? ...

How do you make a class attribute that isn't a standard data type?

I have one class that needs to grab an attribute that is set in another. It's not a standard data type though. Here's the code; class graphics: def __init__(self, Fullscreen = False, Width = 640, Height = 480): print "Graphics Init" SCREEN_SIZE = (Width, Height) pygame.init() if Fullscreen: self.screen = pygame.d...

How do I respond to mouse clicks on sprites in PyGame?

What is the canonical way of making your sprites respond to mouse clicks in PyGame ? Here's something simple, in my event loop: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit_game() [...] elif ( event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]): for sp...

What commercial games have been written with pyGame?

I'm curious to know what commercial games, if any, have been written with pyGame. The scale doesn't matter much, it doesn't have to be a massive success, but it should be significant that more than 2 people have ever heard of it. I ask this because nearly everything I saw on the pyGame website seemed fairly underwhelming. I understand...

Simulation Problem with mouse in Pygame

I have the following code: import math import pygame from pygame.locals import * # Initialize PyGame pygame.init() pygame.display.set_mode((800,600)) quit = False roundtime = 20 # ms nextupdate = pygame.time.get_ticks() + roundtime framenum = 0 # Watering radius r = 25 # Time step dt = 1 # min field = [0.0]*80*60 while not quit: ...

Fully transparent windows in Pygame?

Is it possible to get a fully transparent window in Pygame (see the desktop through it)? I've found how to create a window without a frame, but there doesn't seem to be any obvious way to make it transparent. I'd be willing to tie into system-specific technology/frameworks as long as there are solutions for both Windows and Mac OS X, b...

PyGame not receiving events when 3+ keys are pressed at the same time...

I am developing a simple game in PyGame... A rocket ship flying around and shooting stuff. Question: Why does pygame stop emitting keyboard events when too may keys are pressed at once? About the Key Handling: The program has a number of variables like KEYSTATE_FIRE, KEYSTATE_TURNLEFT, etc... When a KEYDOWN event is handled, it ...

pygame function appears to be being ignored

I'm building a relatively simple programme to test collision detection, it's all working fine at the moment except one thing, I'm trying to make the background colour change randomly, the only issue is that it appears to be completely skipping the function to do this; import pygame from pygame.locals import * import random, math, time, ...

Seemingly completely random Python syntax errors

Here's a small sample section of some code I'm writing with python and pygame, for some reason it seems to be claiming that some seemingly very simple and apparently accurate things are syntax errors. Here's possibly the most annoying example. def Draw(): Surface.fill((255,255,255)) for square in squares: pygame.draw.rec...

How to create MS Paint clone with Python and pygame

As I see it, there are two ways to handle mouse events to draw a picture. The first is to detect when the mouse moves and draw a line to where the mouse is, shown here. However, the problem with this is that with a large brush size, many gaps appear between each "line" that is not straight since it is using the line's stroke size to c...

What do the blend modes in pygame mean?

Surface.blit has a new parameter in 1.8: blend. The following values are defined: BLEND_ADD BLEND_SUB BLEND_MULT BLEND_MIN BLEND_MAX BLEND_RGBA_ADD BLEND_RGBA_SUB BLEND_RGBA_MULT BLEND_RGBA_MIN BLEND_RGBA_MAX BLEND_RGB_ADD BLEND_RGB_SUB BLEND_RGB_MULT BLEND_RGB_MIN BLEND_RGB_MAX Can someone explain what these modes mean? ...

wxPython or pygame for a simple card game?

I have been playing around with writing some simple card games in Python for fun and I would like to add a graphical user interface (GUI) to the games. Which library would you recommend for writing the GUI for a simple card game? ...

Rotation based on end points.

I'm using pygame to draw a line between two arbitrary points. I also want to append arrows at the end of the lines that face outward in the directions the line is traveling. It's simple enough to stick an arrow image at the end, but I have no clue how the calculate the degrees of rotation to keep the arrows pointing in the right direct...