
mod_rewrite {QUERY_STRING}

I'm sure that's been asked zillions times but i can't get it to work, i'm trying to rewrite a url with querystring, my url is for example: http://example.com/articles/index.php?keyword=book and i want to be accessible from http://example.com/articles/keyword/book/ I google it and i didn't have any luck, am i on the right track? i ...

URL design technique

My friend designed url tag like : www.aaaa.com/?page=4 in my asp.net mvc2 project, But i want to change my URL like www.aaaa.com/4 so i want to delete ?page tags from my URL. What can i do ? Thanks ...

passing querystring

Consider a page, when the page loads, nothing shows up. It works when i pass the querystring on the browser as this: http://localhost:51765/foo/foo.aspx?ID=c516f4f4-36a9-40a7-baad-d2419ea631b9 I want it to work when the page load not when i pass the querystring on the browser. Can someone help me with this? <asp:SqlDataSource I...

Why isn't Ruby on Rails correctly generating the 'notice' HTML?

The embedded ruby code in my view is... <p id="notice"><%= notice %></p> but when the URL reads... the generated HTML is... <p id="notice"></p> I'm expecting it to read... <p id="notice">Project was successfully created</p> What gives? EDIT: Here's my ...

Building query string links

I'm building a filters section for my search page and I was wondering what is the best way to go about doing the query strings. My problem is that these links function a lot like checkboxes, so some, all or none can be on. I'd have to loop through each of about 30 or so links, removing or adding that specific link's value depending on it...

Querystring with url-encoded ampersand prematurely decoded within Request.Url

Given url /Page.aspx?a=b&title=apples+%26+pears, Request.Url property returns /Page.aspx?a=b&title=apples+&+pears Note that the url-encoded ampersand in the second key-value pair has been automatically decoded. Other url-encoded reserved characters aren't being automatically decoded. Is this behaviour correct? EDIT: The issue is that ...

How can I turn off QSA? (query string append)

I'm using Apache2 and mod_rewrite to hide my query strings. These are the rules in question. RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^query=(.*)$ RewriteRule (.*) /search/%1 [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^search\/?$ /search/?query=test [R=301,L] When I visit /search (or /searc...

Validating user input (search filters)

Hello, I'm building a search page and I'm a bit unsure on what I should in regard to sanitizing and validating user input. The search page has filters which are passed via querystrings. (some passed from inputs and others from links with checkbox/radio like behavior) What should I look out for in this situation? Can I be safe using ju...

Mod_rewrite help

Hey guys, I'm trying to remove query strings from my calendar, but my mod_rewrite is not appending the query string. The website is http://cacrochester.com/Calendar and if you click the link to go to a different month, the query string is usually http://cacrochester.com/Calendar?currentmonth=2010-11 With my rule below, it just doesn't...

ASP.NET QueryStrings

Is there any conventions should I follow while using QueryStrings in ASP.NET? For eg: which is better one? 1 or 2 ? 1. url?stock_trnasfer_ID=10 2. url?sid=10 ...

Apache RewriteRule removing submit x y coordinates from Querystring (Mac Snow Leopard OS X)

This ought to be a simple exercise in Apache with mod_rewrite and all of it's flexibility. I have verified the Rewrite module is working with full logging but no matter how I shake out my rules and conditions, I can't get it to work. What I want is to rewrite the following url: http://www.domain.com/search?x=10&amp;y=10&amp;query=sear...

query string or templ table

Hi, According to what my needs it is better to use temp table or querystring? Click data in DbGrid and redirected to another Web site with ID data. ID I need, the need for ID data stored in the table. I thought even the temp table, which would temporarily stored ID and you would then find all the WHERE clause. What is the best solut...

Magento ignores extra URL parameters set

I am trying to open a Magento store link from an external site. While opening the store link I need to send some information using the query string parameters. So I open a link (through php code) such as: http://magentostore.com/myproduct.html?id=3434&amp;user=445 However the Magento store link ignores the query string parameters and ...

Overiding/Appending querystrings

Just a curiousity rather than an acutal need, I've never thought about this, but I can't think of any html which would do this. I could do it in Javascript or Serverside easy enough, but curious if browers can implement this anyway. Say I'm at a url: http://www.mysite.com/?param1=10 and I have an <a> tag, is there anyway to make it's h...

Portlets: Retrieve URL or Query parameters

We are developing on an application that uses Portlets and deployed within JBoss portal. All of the portlets on a page are share the same contextual information, meaning every portlet is a different way of viewing the subject of that portal. The current implementation stores data in session so the portal knows which subject to load for a...

mod_rewrite: how to strip url of query string yet retain it's values

I'd like to strip a URL of it's query string using mod_rewrite but retain the values of the querystring, for example, id like to change: http://new.app/index.php?lorem=1&amp;ipsum=2 to a nice clean: http://new.app/ but retain the values of lorem and ipsum, so inside index.php: $_GET["lorem"] would still return 1 etc. This is m...