
QuickGraph Dijkstra example.

I have an AdjacencyGraph<string, Edge<string>> which I would like to run AlgorithmExtensions.ShortestPathsDijkstra on, but the QuickGraph documentation isn't the best. Does anyone have an example I can follow? Everything I found on on Google used an observer, which the AlgorithmExtension doesn't require. ...

Difference Between QuickGraph from CodePlex and CodeProject

I'm wanting to use QuickGraph to draw some graphs in C# using GraphViz. I've had a look at the libraries available from CodePlex and CodeProject. They appear to be quite different. What are the major differences between the two? ...

QuickGraph GraphvizRecord doesn't display in vertices

I'm trying to build a Graphviz graph containing record vertices using QuickGraph. So far, I have this: var algo = new GraphvizAlgorithm<Entity, EntityEdge>(this); algo.CommonVertexFormat.Shape = GraphvizVertexShape.Record; algo.CommonVertexFormat.Style = GraphvizVertexStyle.Filled; algo.FormatVertex += new FormatVertexEventHandler<Entit...

How to create my network using QuickGraph (c#)...

Hello all... I have several nodes (undirected graph, bidirecional) ... Each two nodes have a distance... 1 - How can I create that network using QuickGraph? 2 - What is the right algorithm to calculate the best shortest path bettween two nodes (Considering that may pass in other nodes before, example : best path A->B, passing in C and D...

How to apply custom BidirectionalGraph from QuickGraph to GraphLayout from Graph#?

Whats wrong? using QuickGraph; using GraphSharp; public class State { public string Name { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return Name; } } public class Event { public string Name; public ov...

How to find all paths between two vertices using QuickGraph

How to find all paths between two vertices using QuickGraph? This is my custom graph: public class MyGraph : BidirectionalGraph<State, Event>() { } In samples only shortest path. Does anybody know how to do it? ...

can QuickGraph support these requirements? (includes database persistence support)

Hi, Would QuickGraph be able to help me out with my requirements below? (a) want to model a graph of nodes and directional relationships between nodes - for example to model web pages/files linked under a URL, or modeling IT infrastructure and dependencies between hardware/software. The library would include methods such as * Node.G...

QuickGraph - How can I associate an Edge with a Class? (i.e. like you can with a Vertex)

Hi, Q1 - How can I associate an Edge with a Class? (i.e. like you can with a Vertex) In my case there are various types of edges I want to be able to model. So my real question I guess is how can I associate some level of data with Edges (e.g. edge type). The graph I was looking at using was: http://quickgraph.codeplex.com/wikipage...

QuickGraph - is there algorithm for find all parents (up to root vertex's) of a set of vertex's

Hi, In QuickGraph - is there algorithm for find all parents (up to root vertex's) of a set of vertex's. In other words all vertex's which have somewhere under them (on the way to the leaf nodes) one or more of the vertexs input. So if the vertexs were Nodes, and the edges were a depends on relationship, find all nodes that would be im...

Getting shortest path between 2 nodes in quickgraph

Hello, i want to ask if there is any way to generate the shortest path from node A to node B without generating the shortest paths to all the other nodes (stop when node B is in the examined set) with A-star in QuickGraph. I want to plug QuickGraph into a game and thus generating all the paths is not allowed from the time limitations th...

QuickGraph path between two vertices

Is there any way to know if a path exists between two vertices in a BidirectionalGraph? I do not need to know the path itself, just whether a path exists. ...

Quickgraph / Graphsharp nodes layout from left to right

Hello, I am using quickgraph/graphsharp library and try to get such a layout in which i could have all nodes aligned left to right with no overlapping... how it would be possible. Thanks, http://quickgraph.codeplex.com http://graphsharp.codeplex.com (graphsharp based on quickgraph) ...

caption/label for quickgraph edge

I have downloaded quickgraph from quickgraph.codeplex.com and just wondering to know how can we add caption (put text) right above than each edge. ...

Graphviz size/pagesize attribute seemingly ignored

How does one set the size of the output image in GraphViz via the DOT format? I'm using QuickGraph and this technique to render a GraphViz. As in the example below, I'm trying to set the maximum size of the rendering. I've tried lots of variations on size (interpreted as inches or as pixels) and pagesize, both, each. Doesn't matter. ...

How to draw a directed graph with labels on edges using quickgraph and graph# libraries?

I'm trying to draw a directed graph with labels on edges. I'm using graph# (graphsharp) and quickgraph, and I saw an explanation in the forums about how to add labels (it is not supported by the library), but cannot manage to implement myself. If someone could provide a working example using these two libraries I would be very thankful. ...