
jquery quicksand custom sorting methods? & 2 attributes?

Hi people, how to code the sorting method, i have a datetime formatted as 2010-09-26, how would i code it for quicksand? and how would i possible add another attribute(data-id), im listing out a bunch of images, and using quick sand to sort them into image types, and also need a additional attribute for sorting the 'latest' attribute. ...

Quicksand question in HTML page

I am using the Quicksand jquery scripts on an HTML page and using simple select controls: <select name="sort" style="vertical-align:middle;" id="cboSort"> <option value="1" selected="selected">Low to High</option> <option value="2">High to Low</option> </select> I want to be able to have the quicksand scripts run on page load ...

jQuery Quicksand: CSS applied after JS load causes jerky behaviour

I'm using the jQuery Quicksand plugin to filter a list by dates. I've got it working as in the examples given, however, the filter is applied to <li> items which load as block and then once all the items have loaded the float:left CSS is applied. Making the whole process look a little jumpy and messy. What I can't figure out is why tha...