
How can I web app poll a queue continously? or does it have to be another service?

If I use a queue in my web application (spring), can I do: while(..) { } To response to new items added to a queue, or does this have to be a seperate service that runs on the server? i.e. this can't be sustained in a web application correct? ...

How do I implement a custom message queue listener for WAS activation?

I'm writing components of a .Net 4.0 web solution (on IIS7, WS2008), and need to provide a service which can consume messages from a message queue. I've found setup examples for configuring WAS service activation using MSMQ... but we aren't using MSMQ (using RabbitMQ) and I'm pretty sure I'll have to implement some kind of listener of m...

Abort a running task in Celery within django

I would like to be able to abort a task that is running from a Celery queue (using rabbitMQ). I call the task using task_id = AsyncBoot.apply_async(args=[name], name=name, connect_timeout=3) where AsyncBoot is a defined task. I can get the task ID (assuming that is the long string that apply_async returns) and store it in a database...

Queue System Farm questions

Hi, Until now, we haven't really needed to implement a queue system in our infrastructure, but now we need some features that cannot be done thru cron jobs (too slow). Our infrastructure is LAMP (PHP) with some NoSQL. I have looked at Gearman and it seems to be perfect for our needs. I know Digg uses it, as well as Yahoo so it must be...

RabbitMQ failing inexplicably, restart required, restart fixes problem

RabbitMQ keeps failing and we fix it by restarting the service but we don't know why it fails. Has anybody else experienced these issues? ...

Producer work consistently hashing to consumers via a message queue?

I have a producer that I want to distribute work consistently across consumers by consistent hashing. For example, with consumer nodes X and Y, tasks A, B, C should always go to consumer X, and D, E, F to consumer Y. But that may shift a little if Z joins the pool of consumers. I didn't want to deal with writing my own logic to connect ...

How to implement rabbitMQ in java

Hi all, How to implements rabbitMQ message broker with Java client.i am not found any document or link to understand implementation. Thanks ...

is it safe to allow clients to connect directly to a rabbitmq and consume a queue?

I need to create a service that will send forex prices to thousands of connected clients. I'm thinking that i can use rabbitmq fanout exchange for this and clients can subscribe to the instruments they are interested in. My question is, would it be safe to have a client application connect directly to rabbitmq? or is it a better decision...

how to implement RPC Mechanism using RabbitMQ in java

Hi all how to implement RPC Mechanism(both producer and consumer) using RabbitMQ in java?i am also visit official site http://www.rabbitmq.com/api-guide.html#rpc but i am getting detail description about this things. Thanks ...

query regarding celery with rabbitmq

I have a requirement where i need to support priorities for the tasks that i submit to the RabbitMQ. If i submit a set of tasks say T1, T2, T3 and worker executing these tasks in q sequence [concurrency=1]. If T3 has high priority over T2, then worker must execute T3 instead of T2. Is there a way to achieve this with celery + RabbitMQ ? ...

workling & RabbitMQ

Hi For my project I would like to run some jobs in background using workling (publish some data to the queue) but I'm getting errors while trying to configure my app (unitialized constant MemCache) I'm using Fedora 13 + ruby enterprise edition My questions are Has anybody worked with workling recently ? Was everything fine ? Did you ...

How do you compile a PHP extension on windows with cygwin/mingw?

I am trying to build the RabbitMQ PHP wrapper and the AMPQ PHP wrapper on Windows (64) using Cygwin. I have successfully built the underlying C library (librabbitmq.dll) but I am stuck at the 'phpize' step: phpize && ./configure --with-rabbit && make && sudo make install If I understand correctly, there is no 'phpize' on windows, so ho...

workling client stops in a few seconds after start

Hi I'm trying to use RabbitMQ instead of Starling I've configured my app and everything seems to be fine but when i run 'script/ workling_client start' it starts to work and ends in a few seconds and I can't get why My app works perfectly with Starling I'm using Fedora 13 ruby 1.8.7 rails 2.3.8 mongrel(configured according to http://gi...

Has anyone compiled a rabbitmq/amqp library for php 5.2.x on windows x64

I'm trying to publish messages to RabbitMQ from a php (5.2.x) script on my windows X64 dev machine. The problem is that I didn't find any dll extension for php. My collegue is actually trying to build it (cf. How do you compile a PHP extension on windows with cygwin/mingw?), but without success :(. Does anyone know where I can find a v...

[RabbitMQ] Use it for JSON data transfer

I am trying to use RabbitMQ for a distributed system that would work something like: a producer puts in a queue a JSON-formatted list of order ids several consumers pull out of that queue, do the business logic with that order ids and the result (JSON formatted) as well is put back into another queue from the second queue, another cons...

RabbitMQ Question - Is there a way to print log message to console?

I am running RabbitMQ on windows 7 ( currently for debug reasons). I want to see the messages on the open console each time I send a message. Is there a way to rout the logs to the open console? 10x ...

Returning the value from the loop.

Hi I am doing a POC with the rabbitMQ and writing a program to add two numbers and getting the response. The code that we wrote to retrieve the value from the queue is running infinite time( in a while loop) and a line( inside the while loop) waits for some data to be retrieved from the queue; until it gets something from queue it will n...

How to retract a message in RabbitMQ?

I've got something like a job queue over RabbitMQ and, upon a request to cancel a job, I'd like to retract the tasks that have not yet started processing (their messages have not been ack'd), which corresponds to retracting these messages from the queues that they've been routed to. I haven't found this functionality in AMQP or in the R...

Rabbitmq message differentiate with message id based on Java API

Hi, i would like to publish/produce a message with some message id, like each message has a particular id..And at the consumer end i would like to retrieve the messages by prividing the ID. suppose we have multiple consumers than each one should get only those messages which they requested through the message ids using java. (i hope i a...

RabbitMQ Wait for a message with a timeout

I'd like to send a message to a RabbitMQ server and then wait for a reply message (on a "reply-to" queue). Of course, I don't want to wait forever in case the application processing these messages is down - there needs to be a timeout. It sounds like a very basic task, yet I can't find a way to do this. I've now run into this problem wit...