
Which free database system is best to store, and compute/analyze large text comparisons out of which the database would make usable statistics?

Hey, I got to create script that would compare thousands of large texts (to each other). And I'm wondering if MySQL is the best solution for this. Is there any other free databse system I could use to do simple - but processor-time consuming computing? Please, throw me into your knowledge's pool! Edit: Nature of documents - 500-7000 c...

"Reliable" file work with .NET

Hi, An application needs a counter, which value to be stored in a text file. Sometimes it happens on very short intervals. This test code rewrites a text file very often (f.e. every 100 milliseconds): int counter = 0; while (true) { WriteToFile(counter); counter++; Thread.Sleep(100); } private void WriteToFile(int counter) { byt...

Reliable session faulting for unknown reason

Hi all, My problem is this: I am trying to achieve the following - one client-side proxy instance (kept open) accessed by multiple threads using a reliable session. What I have managed so far is to have either A) a reliable session with a client-side proxy which is created and disposed per call or B) what I aim for, but without a reli...

Failure scenarios for Reliable UDP?

What could be good list of failure scenaros for testing a reliable udp layer? I have thought of the below cases: - Drop Data packets - Drop ACK, NAK Packets - Send packets in out of sequence. - Drop intial hand shaking packets - Drop close / shutdown packets - Duplicate packets Please help in identifying other cases that reliable udp ne...

Reliable(durable) distributed logging engine

Trying to find a commercial logging framework for distributed systems. This framework must allow .NET applications on a Remote Server to log messages which can then be collected in a Central Location. If possible the Central Location should store messages in a SQL Server database. Requirements: Be able to initiate the logging of messa...

Reliable UDP File Transport Protocol implementation

In computer networking, the Reliable User Datagram Protocol (RUDP) is a transport layer protocol designed at Bell Labs for the Plan 9 operating system. It aims to provide a solution where UDP is too primitive because guaranteed-order packet delivery is desirable, but TCP adds too much complexity/overhead. It extends UDP by adding the fol...

What is the purpose of WCF reliable session?

The documentation around this topic is poor. I use WCF services with NetTcpBinding hosted in Windows service. The problem is that a session is dropped when it is inactive for some time. What I need is the session which is always alive. Is WCF reliable session something that can help? Or I can just play with timeout settings? ...

Overview of Game Engines for FPSs and MMOs?

I am looking for an overview and experience with "Online Game Engines" for First Person Shooters (FPS) and Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) Games. The Online Games Engines should support mixing UDP and reliable UDP. Base Frameworks: Lidgren ( eNet ( what else ? O...

Adding Custom WCF header to Endpoint Programatically for Reliable Sessions

I'm building a WCF router and my client uses Reliable Sessions. In this scenario when the client opens a channel a message is sent (establishing a Reliable Session?). Its contents is as follows: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:a=""&gt; <s:Header> <a:Action s:m...

Reliable write to Java SocketChannel

Hi all, I'd have a question regarding java SocketChannel. Say I have a socket channel opened in blocking mode; after calling the the write(ByteBuffer) method, I get an integer describing how many bytes were written. The javadoc says: "Returns: The number of bytes written, possibly zero" But what exactly does this mean? does this mean t...