
Use Ribbon Control in WPF Toolkit in XAML

How to use the Ribbon control in WPf toolkit in my XAML? How to include the namespaces for ribbon in XAML? ...

Apply Office 2007 themes for WPF application.

I am using the RibbonControl from WPF toolkit. It has the Office Blue, Black and Silver themes. But the the theme is not applying for the controls in the window. Is there any solution for that? I am aplying the theme like <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="/RibbonControlsLibrary;component/Theme...

TRibbon's large button's image is not centered...any ideas? easy to demonstrate at design-time.

i'm using delphi 2009 (updates 1, 2, 3, 4). i'm seeing something quite peculiar. the image on the button is not centered in the button when i have a large button with a large glyph! rather than being centered, the left part of the glyph starts at the center of the button. a clue is that when i: go into the action editor and selec...

Create a Ribbon Control in Delphi with Combobox as one of the control?

Hi Everyone, I am a newbie to using Delphi 2010 to write Ribbon Control... I wanted a comboBox control with 5 to 6 lines for user to choose from on my ribbon... I've set the CommandStyle of the TActionClient to csCombobox and I had a hard time figuring out how to set the content of my comboxbox and also the control seem to be disabled o...

Hide the Recent Documents List inside Ribbon Application Menu in Delphi 2010?

Hi... I am using Delphi 2010 to implement an Application Menu for my ribbon control... but there is a recent documents list (or at least the title of it) on the right hand side of it... Is it possible to hide this list and put something else there instead, like I am thinking of a list of available functions... Will this violate the te...

WPF: Custom Theme for RibbonControlLibrary

I am using RibbonControlLibrary by Microsoft. It has three predefined themes and one can use them by <ResourceDictionary Source="/RibbonControlsLibrary;component/Themes/Office2007Black.xaml"/> or <ResourceDictionary Source="/RibbonControlsLibrary;component/Themes/Office2007Blue.xaml"/> or <ResourceDictionary Source="/RibbonControlsLibra...

Menu Contols like the Office 2007 Ribbon

Is there a way to my WinApp written in C# using Visual Studio 2008 have menu controls which look like on these We can fund in Office 2007. ...

How to implement Custom Ribbon resizing in Excel 2007?

Hi, I'm working in a ribbon project for Excel 2007, using Visual Studio 2008 and VSTO, I'm trying to make my ribbon's groups collapse into galleries when I resize the Excel window, this is a functionality that the other tabs in the ribbon have (the tabs that come with Excel). At first, I thought this wouldn't be that much difficult, I i...

Will WPF Ribbon work on a machine with no office?

Hello! I've been looking on the site http://wpf.codeplex.com/ and found the Ribbon control finding my needs. I was wondering if it requires any Office licence things etc. on the machine, or this just needs the toolkit dll. Does it require Win-7 or is compatible on XP machine as well? ...

Does anyone ever use the Ribbon Control?

The ribbon control seems to be the rage now that Windows 7 is here. It occurred to me from this link for a ribbon control here on Codeplex... What I want to know is, is there any real benefit in shifting the UI paradigm to use the Ribbon Control purely 'to move with the times or keep abreast of development trends'? I just cannot see...

intercept RelativeSource FindAncestor

I have a WPF application which runs as a excel plugin, it has its visual tree like so Excel ElementHost WPF UserControl WPF ribbon bar control Now any controls sitting on the WPF ribbon bar control are not enabled when the plugin is loaded within excel. See error below System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for bin...

Activate Ribbon Button from C# in PowerPoint

How might it be possible to activate one of PowerPoint's ribbon buttons from C# ? We want to be able to run some code in the context that is set up by pressing one of the ribbon buttons. Just running our code via the interop doesn't work. I want to be able to do something like this: Ribbon.GetControlByName(controlName).DoClick() Do...

Does Qt support ribbon control?

Does Qt support ribbon control? ...

Disable Ribbon Button

I want to disable and NOT hide a ribbon button (specifically Ribbon.ListItem.New.NewListItem) on a particular List type. On web I could find a lot many posts showing me ways to remove/hide buttons but none really worthwhile which could tell me how can I just disable an alrteady existing sharepoint button in my custom List type. e.g. Fol...

WPF - Input Gesture activates only active window.

Hello, I'm using the MS Ribbon Library in the latest .NET 4.0. I've started working with the RibbonCommand and thought I'd make it fancy with some InputGesture. I found that when I've added the InputGesture to the RibbonCommand, the commands are executed regardless if the window with the RibbonControl is active or not. Is this part of ...

wpf ribbon control with custom controls

Hello This control has been in pre-release so long I was wondering: 1) is anyone using it for production apps or do you buy 3rd party? 2) how much of your ribbon do you typically do in code vs. xaml? 3) can you put custom / user controls inside of it? 4) any favorite helpful links and / or caveats? Cheers, Berryl I just found this ...

What to use as the container with ribbon control?

I'm writing a data-entry software with lots of pages. For example one page for entering team data and another page for entering match data. I want to use the new fancy Microsoft ribbon control to organize different pages and categories. The problem is I'm new to WPF and I don't know what should I use for: a. The container of pages (s...

Microsoft Ribbon for WPF vs. Office RIbbon UI

Microsoft released Microsoft Ribbon for WPF available for download here. We also have RibbonControlsLibrary.dll, which is a ribbon control too, available for download from Office sites. Currenty it is in CTP version. Now, which is the difference between these 2 version of ribbons ? Until now I identified that: MS Ribbon for WPF doe...

WPF Ribbon: ToggleButton groups?

I have just started playing with Microsoft's 08/2010 WPF Ribbon release. The basics appear pretty straightforward, but how would I create a RibbonToggleButton group that would allow only one button in the group to be selected at one time, similar to the way that radio buttons are supposed to behave? Thanks for your help. ...

Hide/unhide ribbon for Microsoft RIbbon for WPF release

MS officially released MS Ribbon for WPF. This release doesn't support theming, it comes with a default blue theme, Office 2010 look&feel. Office 2010 has a button that allows users to hide/unhide the ribbon, but the released version of ribbon doesn't has one. Is it implemented ? How can I add one? Thanks, Tudor ...