
Updating multiple divs w/ RJS/AJAX

I am successfully using RJS to implement AJAX on a page.replace.html create.js.rjs. I am attempting to update two locations instead of one and after watching Ryan Bates Railscast I am very close (I think) but have a problem in the syntax of my /views/likes/create.js.rjs file. Here is the situation: located at /views/likes/create.js.rjs ...

Can Ruby on Rails's RJS give out static Javascript code to handle user interaction?

So it looks like on RoR, when Ajax (using form_remote_tag) returns a success code, Javascript is also returned to handle the visual effects. (this is the RJS mechanism) using Fiddler, I do see the following response: try { Element.update("vote_score", "Score 58"); $("vote_score").visualEffect("highlight"); } catch (e) { alert('RJS erro...

Using RJS to replace innerHTML with a real live instance variable.

I can't for the life of me get RJS to replace an element's innerHTML with an instance variable's attribute, i.e. something like @thing.name I'll show all the code (simplified from the actual project, but still complete), and I hope the solution will be forehead-slap obvious to someone... In RoR, I've made a simple page displaying a ran...

page.insert_html not rendering partial correctly

The following is in the text_field. = f.text_field :title, :size => 50, :onchange => remote_function(:update => :suggestions, :url => {:action => :display_question_search_results}) The following is in display_questions_search_results.rjs. page.insert_html :bottom, 'suggestions', :partial => 'suggestions' Whenever the user types, I'...

Creating records using RJS in rails

Hey Everyone, so I've watched http://railscasts.com/episodes/43-ajax-with-rjs but I have a question: In my view I have the following: <div id="testly"> <%= render :partial => "test" %> </div> This works. Using create.rjs to change the content in this div, I have the following in my create.rjs file: page.replace_html :testl...

Javascript templating without RJS, with JSON

One of the most convenient things about RJS is its ability to render a partial so you have all your view code in one place: # task/index.html.erb <ul id="task_list"> <%= render :partial => 'task', :collection => @tasks %> </ul> # task/_task.html.erb <li> <% if task.is_completed %> <%= task.name %> - <%= task.completed_date %> ...

Select-all checkboxes in a FORM_TAG

In a form_tag, there is a list of 10 to 15 checkboxes: <%= check_box_tag 'vehicles[]', car.id %> How can I select-all (put a tick in every single) checkboxes by RJS? Thanks EDIT: Sorry I didn't make my question clear. What I meant to ask is how to add a "Select/Un-select All" link in the same page to toggle the checkboxes. ...

RJS in controller

i have put the following rjs in a controller... but it gives me the following error... TypeError: Element.update is not a function respond_to do |format| format.js do responds_to_parent do render :update do |page| page.replace_html 'errorLay', :text => "Page with the same name already exists." ...

dynamic link_to_remote in rails with jquery

Hi I'm trying to pass a string with a link_to_remote call as the :id, and the string should be collected from an input field with and id of "movie_title". <div id="search_list">Nothing here yet</div> <br /> <% semantic_form_for @movie do |f| %> <% f.inputs do -%> <%= f.input :title, :class => "movie_title" %> <%= link_to_r...

getting id of parent element in rails rjs

I'm working with a that allows the user to add new contents to a shipment box. For example: The user is setting up a shipment, each shipment can include multiple boxes, and each box can contain multiple contents. So I have link_to_remote connected like: In my shipment box partial: <div class="shipping_box" id="shipping_box"> #so...

google_maps plugin rjs problem

So I am using bhedana's google_maps plugin and have built a search for points that load on page render. I have all my points refreshing with page.replace_html 'locations', :partial => 'locations' but when I include page.replace_html 'map', :partial => 'map' in the same rjs file and have a partial that looks like <%= @map.to_html...

Rails - How to differentiate an action call from different pages?

I have a destroy action defined for a particular resource. On completion, it uses an rjs file with a visual effect to remove the resource from the page that it is being called from. My problem is that the destroy action can be called from 2 different templates. And so the visual effect needs to be different, depending on which template ...

Rails - is it possible to use ruby code in RJS files?

Is it possible to use ruby code in RJS files? For example, the destroy.js.rjs file if @template == "viewer" page["viewing_registry_#{@viewer_registry.id}"].replace_html :partial => "shared/request_viewer_link" else page["viewer_#{@viewer.id}"].visual_effect :DropOut, :duration => 2.0 flash.discard end This is the RJS file call...

[Rails] How to reload a div using render(:update) and replace_html?

How to reload only the div id on a page? I just need to reload a certain div. in my controller I have def mycontrolleraction ... render(:update) do |page| reload_only_the_div('adiv'), :controller => 'my_controller' end end Is this possible? ...

When to include format inside file name for view templates

I have two identical controllers Submissions and Activities, both using the default resource mapping for routes. I want to use some RJS for the show method, both of which can be accessed as such as a GET request: /submissions/1.js /activities/1.js I have show.rjs inside their respective view folders like so: ../submissions/show.rjs ....

How to access an array via RJS proxy?

In Rails' RJS Adapter, page['id'] // $('id') accesses an CSS-id, page['id'].property // $('id').property a property of it. But how can I access an array index, e.g. page.select('ul').value_at(2) // $('id').select('ul')[2] Is there any way of doing this without writing: page << "$('id').select('ul')[2]" ...

Rails 3: RJS vs JavaScript

Hi, I've recently started learning Ruby on Rails, based on RoR3 beta/RC. I had earlier been developing applications using other frameworks (like Django), where the JavaScript had been written completely on my own. When developing application using RoR, I get confused by the two possible ways of implementing JavaScript: the "pure" one (w...

RJS save prompt value

hi i want to save the data to the table "Name" that i enter in prompt page << "name = prompt('Enter name:'); " please guide me with the code for the create functionality in RJS thanks ...

RJS error in Ruby on Rails

Why does this: <%= update_page_tag do |page| page["femenino"].hide end %> Generates this? <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ try { $("femenino").hide(); } catch (e) { alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString()); alert('$(\"femenino\").hide();'); throw e } //]]> </script> I have the DIV with ID "femenino", the update_p...

RoR: How to handle custom nested form's submit

Hello! I managed to do almost all the way towards happiness with my custom form in ruby-on-rails, but the very last step is missing and it is impossible to find the answer on the net because of too many common words. I believe that the answers to my questions are trivial for people who have done RoR for a time, but be warned that the p...