
scale9Grid in haXe on image imported with swfmill

I'm trying to use scale9Grid in haXe on an image that I imported with swfmill. border = flash.Lib.attach("BorderPic"); border.scale9Grid = new Rectangle(15, 15, 1, 1); The second line generates the following runtime error: ArgumentError: Error #2004: One of the parameters is invalid. at flash.display::DisplayObject/set scale9...

Fading to a Vanishing Point in Flash, Programatically (of course)

I'm trying to do a vanishing Star Wars type thing like this, but programatically. Most of what they've done is easy to program (make a motion tween), but I wish to generate the text-based graphic programatically as well (from text using a dynamic text obj, for example). The question, as I see it (but I'm open to other ways of seeing i...

how to resize a scale 9 grid enabled MovieClip that contains text with an embedded font ?

Hi, This might be simple one, since it's a design question mode than development ( think drawing UI graphics not OOD :) ) I've realized I haven't used the Flash IDE for design in a while. I created a simple button that has rounded corners and is made of: a background clip a base color clip a text field a highlight This is what I've...