
SQL Server: preserve calculated fields with a SELECT INTO

Hello, My company performed a data migration recently (in a SQL Server 2005 database) and we noticed that some tables created with SELECT INTO didn't maintained the calculated fields of the original tables, but instead SQL Server created regular fields with the type returned by the original calculation. For example, suppose that you hav...

How to store selection result in to variable in Oracle procedure

I write a simple procedure. I try to store selection result in variable. I use "SELECT INTO" query but I can not doing this. Example: DECLARE v_employeeRecord employee%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO v_employeeRecord FROM Employee WHERE Salary > 10; END; ...

SQL Select Into Field

I want to accomplish something of the following: Select DISTINCT(tableA.column) INTO tableB.column FROM tableA The goal would be to select a distinct data set and then insert that data into a specific column of a new table. ...

Creating a table in SQL Server using SELECT ... INTO

Hi ... i am creating a table in sqlserver database using query like "SELECT Table1.* INTO Table2 FROM Table1" here Table2 created successfully but it is not showing my database when i again fire this query than it gives error that Table2 is already created but i can't see this in my database i am refreshing my database also so please...

SELECT INTO and "Undeclared variable" error

Hello ! When I try to execute following querry: SELECT id_subscriber INTO newsletter_to_send FROM subscribers I get an error: #1327 - Undeclared variable: newsletter_to_send What is wrong with that query ? ...

How to join tables easily Microsoft SQL Server?

I have two separate tables used for categories. One is Categories(ID, Title, Description), and the other is SubCategories(ID, UpperID, Title, Description) I want to insert the records from categories to SubCategories with upperID=0. I've looked at SQL SELECT INTO but don't know how to use it for existing tables. ...

T-SQL: SELECT INTO sparse table?

I am migrating a large quantity of mostly empty tables into SQL Server 2008. The tables are vertical partitions of one big logical table. Problem is this logical table has more than 1024 columns. Given that most of the fields are null, I plan to use a sparse table. For all of my tables so far I have been using SELECT...INTO, which ha...

checking existence of a row before doing a SELECT INTO (SQL Server)

Hi everyone, I have a SQL statement I'd like to amend. As it stands now I'm running a simple SELECT INTO but I'd like to modify it so only records that don't exist in the destination table (as determined by my criteria) are appended. Here's my initial statement: SELECT b.BallotID, m.MeetingDate INTO StagingTable FROM Ballot I...

Copying a 1-to-many relationship between two tables to another two tables (SQL 2005)

Hi everyone, I have two tables with a parent-child relationship. I would like to copy some of their records to two other tables, also with a parent-child relationship, but with a slightly different table structure. There is a foreign key involved with both sets of tables, an integer column. All tables have the identity increment on...