
configure exchange server to allow webdav query

im writing a webpart trying to query the exchange using webdav and im getting Unauthorized error all the time. what i need to configure in the exchange server for it to work? ...

How do I tell if a class is WSS or MOSS specific?

How do I tell if a SharePoint class is specific to WSS or MOSS? For example, can I use the SPAudit class in MOSS only? ...

How to integrate an external web ASP.NET control into a SharePoint application's page?

How to integrate an external web ASP.NET control into a SharePoint application's page? ...

SecurityException using SPWebConfigModification

I'm getting a SecurityException, "Access Denied" when trying to make a web.config modification programmatically. Code closely follows this example: public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties) { // create modification SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { ...

SharePoint Search Web Parts in the ONET

Hi I have a site def for Search Server Express that includes a custom search aspx. I can deploy the site and add web parts to this page and it all works quite nicely thank you. I now want to have the web parts automatically added to the search page so I exported the web part xml and inserted this into the onet. Ive followed instructi...

Sharepoint default.master propagation?

We have a large collection of MOSS 2007 sites that need a chunk of javascript added to them. I edited, checked in, published, and approved this change to default.master and the change is reflected on the root site, but none of the subsites. I'm a little nervous to use the "Reset all subsites to inherit this Site Master Page setting" in ...

sharepoint list redirect with form data

Hello; Does anyone know the syntax, or the way to redirect a sharepoint "New Item Form" to a URL and pass values from the form as parameters in the URL? So if the form as a "lastname" field, I would want the redirect to be something like http://path_to_other_page?name=lastname I know I need to use something like: onclick="javascript: ...

System.UI.Web.ScriptManager is not allowed on this page. The type is not registered as safe error in SharePoint.

Hi all: I've been getting an error in SharePoint that reads: System.Web.UI.ScriptManager is not allwoed on this page. The type is not registered as safe. I googled around, and the results pointed to missing AJAX server extension installations while using the asp:scriptManager tag. However upon closer inspection of my project, there ...

Is it possible to add workflow modification programmatically?

I`m interested in adding SharePoint Workflow Modification programmatically from my workflow, without using forms. What i'm trying to achieve - I want to add Workflow modification when user uploads new document version to document library. I have OnWorkflowItemChanged and from there i'm willing to add WF Modification. Is this possible? ...

How to modify the sharepoint list content type and the view using Web Services

I posted one question on same site ( site Link ) . Got one solution but i don't know How to modify the sharepoint list content type (which defines new/edit forms) and the view (which defines list views)? ...

Handling CorrelationToken in Workflow Activity Library

I have written a Workflow Activity Library to group together multiple Workflow toolbox items I use over and over. The group of items use a CorrelationToken (CreateTask,onTaskCreated...). While building the Activity Library I have given each of the items this CorrelationToken. However how do I handle the CorrelationTokens once I start u...

A clean way to cast to an objects actual type

What I'm doing is looking up a value for a particular field in the hashtable. The object can be a handful of primitive types who's value is destined to be put inside XML but it comes out of the hashtable as an object. So I have the problem of needing to decide what the type is, cast it up and then use that types ToString. It would be nic...

In SharePoint, can I control what users see on the page programatically?

Hi there, I have a SharePoint Wiki that I'm permitting anonymous users read-only access to. However I'd like to make it so that the "Edit-History-Incoming Links" toolbar at the top vanishes if the user accesses the site so they don't get curious about that link, but a logged in editor is allowed access. Is there any easy way to permit ...

Custom Database integration with MOSS 2007

Hopefully someone has been down this road before and can offer some sound advice as far as which direction I should take. I am currently involved in a project in which we will be utilizing a custom database to store data extracted from excel files based on pre-established templates (to maintain consistency). We currently have a process (...

Using Sharepoint ProcessBatchData to add an SPListItem to the subfolder of an SPList

I'm using the following command to insert an SPListItem to the root folder of a Sharepoint list using SPWeb.ProcessBatchData method: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ows:Batch OnError="Continue"> <Method> <SetList Scope="Request">ac8e81a0-7e38-4094-a15c-2714e43bb994</SetList> <SetVar Name="Cmd">Save</SetVar> <SetVar...

SPUser is not marked as serializable

I've got a strange one. I'm trying to assign a workflow task using the following: private void createBookingTask_MethodInvoking(object sender, EventArgs e) { createBookingTask_TaskId = Guid.NewGuid(); createBookingTask_TaskProperties.Title = "New HFSC Booking"; createBookingTask_TaskProperties...

Web request with SPD 2007

I need to create in SPD 2007 a Server-side script Datasource with the below URL: this script needs an xml feed as parameter in order to respond to HTTPPOST: printf("'<'?xml version="1.0"?'>' '<'aRequest request= "AVRA ACCOMODATIONS LIST"'>' '<'season'>' 2010 '<'...

Remove unwanted user permissions from SharePoint

I have a POSH script that sets a user's access to a specific folder for some files to read. The user's group gets assigned to the folder (which happens to be the same name). I then created a new view, set it to default, and told it to display all files without folders. This script has been working perfectly for 4 months but now some p...

Create a table in the sharepoint database using C#

How to create A new table in the sharepoint database from c# using the sharepoint libraries. ...

User-based settings for Custom Timer Job in Sharepoint

I'm trying to create a custom timer job in Sharepoint. The job will send an e-mail message to the users that subscribed. I want to make a settings page for users, so they can change their own preferences for the digest service. For example, how often they want to receive mails (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly etc.), which Sharepoint lists th...