
How to filter lookup columns (which also contain lookup columns) in SharePoint 2010?

I have several SharePoint lists: booking calendar, hot desks and location. The calendar has hot desk as a lookup column (linked to the hot desks list). The hot desks list also has a lookup column (linking to the locations list). When I add a calendar item I have set up a workflow task to retrieve the location from the hot desks list (b...

How to delete documents from a document library in WSS 3.0?

Hi, I need a way to programmaticaly delete documents from Sharepoint 2007 document library. I don't have access to the server to deploy server-side code, so it needs to be via web service or pure http. I can find plenty of examples for removing attachments from list items, but nothing for removing from document libraries. Idea, anyone?...

Reading/Filtering Distribution Group's Subgroups of an active directory ?

I've an Active Directory with domain myDomain.local, under it there exists a Distribution Group that contains many groups. How can I read (programmatically) all these subgroups to retrieve a list of their names ? And how to optimize the query to filter the result so that it just retrieves all the groups that ends with the word Region ?...

How does client browser know which KDC to send request to get ticket?

Hi, Environment: SharePoint & Kerberos Can someone explain how does client browser know which KDC to send request to get ticket in step 3 below: 1. The user types in a URL in the Internet Explorer (e. g. http://intranet.domain.local) 2. The client browser constructs the SPN, which contains a name of the host and the service type (SPN: ...

Do I need to configure SPNs for all services running on the same test SharePoint server?

If I have single SharePoint server with no header (for testing) and my client app only needs to only access the web app with Kerberos configured, I already configured the app pool for that web app with domain user (SPN), do I really need to configure domain users (SPNs) for all services (e.g. SQL server, MOSS admin, farm, etc.) even thou...

SharePoint 2010 Web front end and application server request execution path

I have a question about how the SharePoint 2010 handle a user request when the environment have for example one web front end and one application server. Does the web front end just route the request to the application server and the application sever do the entire job then send the response back, or the web front end process the reque...

CAML query to retrieve only published pages from SharePoint 2007?

I am currently retrieving all pages and filtering out ones that are not published in the code, checking whether DateTime.Now is smaller than this: static readonly DateTime IMMEDIATE_PUBLISH = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); public static DateTime PublicationDate(this SPListItem item) { // get start publish date PublishingPage page = ...

Can I retrieve additional fields for a SPListItem from SPQuery which had ViewFields set?

I am retrieving SPListItems from SPList with a SPQuery that has ViewFields set. I am using ViewFields to improve performance. However, for some items, I need additional data. I know I can just retrieve the single item again with a new query. However, I am wondering, is there a more efficient way that would allow me to just pull the addit...

Not able to manage Site Permission for new Project Server Site Programatically

HI I am doing following steps to create new SharePoint site and then associating site As Project server site I am creating new site sing SPWebCollection.Add method with inheriting permission from its parents Then i am creating Project in Project center programmatically using (Project.AddProjectRow) Then updating newly created site ...

How to developed Webpart that take argument run time(After deployed in sharepoint)

Hello, I have developed one Active directory webpart that get uer information from Active Directory department wise( Department name is specific hard coded). i want to give specific department after deploying into sharepoint. is it possible and how. please give me reference for the same. Thank you. ...

Displaying Default Value of "N/A" When Date Time Field is Null

I have a Sharepoint column that is supposed to capture date and time values. How can I display a value of "N/A" when the field is null (is blank) and also display the actual value if one was entered? ...

New SharePoint site returns 505 upon creation

I have an instance of SharePoint WSS 3.0 running on Windows Server Standard VM; which I believed worked fine upon initial setup. However, in an effort to get PerformancePoint and other Microsoft software (like SQL Server 2008) running on the same machine; I've been applying patches, service packs and installing and uninstalling framewor...

SharePoint 2007 deploy MasterPage as Feature delete files on deactivation

I have a MasterPage that I am deploying to a SharePoint 2007 server. I am using a feature and a wsp to do the deployment. After deployment, my new masterpage isn't available to select and use for my site. Then, if I activate my feature, I am able to select my master page. But, when I deactivate my feature (or even retract the solution an...

Deploy a web part to a page during feature activation within a Sandbox Solution

I've been hitting my head against a wall on this one for the last couple of days. I have a pretty simple requirement but I cant see how it can be achieved within a Sandboxed solution. I'm depressed because I think its a critical limitation that will cause me grief in future solutions too. Here is the scenario. I have an existing site...

database size would exceed your licensed limit of 4096 MB per database

Hi, We are using sharepoint server 2007 and if i create any files and folders the sharepoint site is throwing some error "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040E14" and i checked event also some error showing " CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE failed because the resulting cumulative database size would exceed your licensed limi...

display data in sharepoint services 3. 0 dashboard from SQL server 2008

i want to display the SQL server data which is in table form into the SHarepoint. I dont have sharepoint 2007/2010 I just have SHarepoint services 3.0 and sharepoint designer 2007 please help. I think business data catalog cant be used in this version. IS it true ? do i have to go for paid version ? ...

resetting "Issue ID" in Sharepoint site

I designed a site in share point. There is a column called "Issue ID (linked to item)" in ALL Issues view. I am using this column to list and identify the items which are created by employees. It increases by 1 as a new issue is created. Unfortunately, I have to reset this ID to 1 because during the test period I created and deleted b...

SharePoint Custom Field - is it possible to handle item deletion event?

I'm expanding SPFieldText and BaseFieldControl to create a custom field. The field saves some data externally (for example, on a database or on another list) Within the control I'm able to handle Edit and New events (using ControlMode). I'd like to run a function and clean up some data when an item containing my field is deleted. Is t...

Sharepoint 2010 API for adding new Trusted Identity Token Issuer

Does anyone know a Sharepoint 2010 API for adding a new trusted identity token issuer (aka identity provider)? I can do this using the PS cmdlet New-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer, but I need to do it from C# code. ...

How to Display MetaData For SharePoint Folder Above The List

Hi, I've created my own Content Type in SharePoint 2007 which is based on the Folder type. I've then extended it by adding a "Description" rich text field to accompany the Folder's title. When navigating the folder hierarchy I want to show this "description" above the List/View of child Items/Folders in the custom Folder being shown. I...