
C# winforms startup (Splash) form not hiding

I have a winforms application in which I am using 2 Forms to display all the necessary controls. The first Form is a splash screen in which it tells the user that it it loading etc. So I am using the following code: Application.Run( new SplashForm() ); Once the application has completed loading I want the SplashForm to hide or me sent...

Firefox page "moves" when hiding/showing divs

We have a web page with this general structure: <div id="container"> <div id="basicSearch">...</div> <div id="advancedSearch" style="display: none">...</div> <div> With this CSS: #container { MARGIN: 0px auto; WIDTH: 970px } #basicSearch { width:100% } #advancedSearch{ width:100%;} We have a link on the page that lets the user ...

Why wont my JFrame hide ?

I'm in the process of creating a GUI in Netbeans 6.1 for my senior design project but i've run into an annoying snag. Temporary Windows like my login PopUp and others wont disappear when i tell it. I've been researching how to solve this for about 2 months on an off. I've even mad a separate thread for my Pop Up but it still wont work...

Simple jQuery Hide/Show does not work in IE

$(document).ready(function(){ $('#createGallery').hide(); $("#newGallery").click(function () { $("#createGallery").show('slow'); }); $("#gallerySelect > option").not("#newGallery").click(function () { $("#createGallery").hide('slow'); }); }); I can't figure out why. Seems easy enough. my HTML is in HAML. But its easy to unde...

Jquery Show/Hide shifts element to the right before showing or hiding

$(document).ready(function(){ var speed = 700; var pause = 3500; function removeFirst(){ $('ul#newsfeed li:first').hide('slide', {direction: "up"}, speed, function() {addLast(this);}); } function addLast(first){ $(first).insertAfter('ul#newsfeed li:last').show(); $('ul#newsfeed li:first').show("slide", {direction...

jQuery show/hide/toggle works, but doesn't stay as it should - it reverts to original state

I am try to show/hide answers to FAQ questions using jQuery. The idea is that all the questions are listed and only when a user wants to see the answer they click the question (which looks like a link) and then the answer becomes visible. It kind of works except that the answer reverts to its original state as soon as it is clicked. In ...

jQuery, don't reload - somehow

I have a small problem with my jQuery script. <script language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.roll-li').click(function(){ if ($('.hideshow').is(":hidden")) { $('.hideshow').slideDown("slow"); } else { ...

Table cell not spanning correctly

Hi, I'm having trouble with a table cell not spanning correctly. I'm using jQuery to show/hide a row of a table which contains a form, however, when I toggle the display of it, it isn't working correctly. You can see what I mean here - If you click on 'confirm', the form is toggled. Howev...

Showing and hiding a menu on button click, and hiding it with outside clicks

I have the following code that just has controls relating to an item. <ul class="controls"> <li><button type="button" class="button1" value="somevalue">&nbsp;</button></li> <li><button type="button" class="optionsbutton" value="somevalue">&nbsp;</button></li> <li class="options"> <ul> <li>Option 1 link</l...

jQuery show "loading" during slow operation

I'm trying to show a small loading image during a slow operation with jQuery and can't get it right. It's a BIG table with thousands of rows. When I check the "mostrarArticulosDeReferencia" checkbox it removes the "hidden" class from these rows. This operation takes a couple of seconds and I want to give some feedback. "loading" is a di...

Attach (show/hide text) dynamically and when clicked show/hide a fieldset below

Hi All, I want to attach (show/hide text) dynamically to a span and when clicked on that particular text, i want to have show/hide effect on a fieldset below. I acheived the task of having show/hide text appended to span. But the problem arises when i click on that text. Nothing happens except the text beside span gets changed. HTML: ...

Show/hide a div with jquery multiple times

I am wanting to use jquery to do a show/hide of a DIV from a text link. What makes it a little different from the examples I have found of this site so far is I need a generic way of doing it multiple times on 1 page and also able to use it sitewide on anypage. It would be really nice if I can put the JS in seperate file that is in...

Selecting elements in jQuery

In continuation of the question at this link I wanted to add some functionality in test.html The event trigger is 'clicking' on any <p class=""> tag. After clicking I wanted that particular <p> to disappear (which was fairly straightforward) but I also want that If out of the three either one or two <p> are hidden, then "Hide 'em" butt...

how to find a window's SW_SHOW/SW_HIDE status

I am trying to determine a window control's visibility that has been hidden or enabled with CWnd::ShowWindow(). (or ::ShowWindow(hWnd,nCmdShow)) I cannot simply use ::IsWindowVisible(hWnd) as the control is on a tab sheet, which may itself be switched out, causing IsWindowVisible to return FALSE. Is there a way to get the SW_SHOW/HIDE ...

Conditionally hide UINavigationBar in a UIViewController

I'm using a UIViewController containing a UIView and a UINavigationBar on which there is two buttons (Cancel on the left, Save on the right). This UIViewController is presented on the screen like this on top of a Tabbar based application: [self presentModalViewController:(UIViewController *)myUIViewController animated:YES]; This wor...

showing a hidden li on click jquery

Sorry for all the dumb jquery questions I'm still learning and find this to be a GREAT resource! How can I show a <li> on click of a class here is my html <li><a href="#" rel="sample.gif">sample.gif</a> <a href="#" class="edit_project_file"> <img src="images/edit.gif"/></a></li> <li class="edit_project_image" style="display:none;...

Using show hide individually on a series of images within one div

I'm a total noob to JQuery, and I've been tasked with finishing a project beyond my ability. I've got a series of images each in it's own div with an associated hidden paragraph. I can use simple show/hide script to get the paragraph from the first div to show and hide properly, but once I add more image divs to the mix, the code eit...

Combining IF else with LEFT to hide columns

Hi Guys I'm trying to write some code to Hide columns if the first 3 characters of cells in a range equal the contents of another. I have the code for hiding columns if cells in a range are blank as this;- Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim r As Range, cell As Range On Error GoTo ErrHandler Set r = Me.Range("C8:R8...

Showing /hiding elements of a form based on menu selection

I am trying to program (while learning JQuery) the following: I have a form with various elements in it. Based on a selection made with a select menu item, I want one or more elements to either be hidden or shown. I have this so far as a script: // JavaScript Document var joinApp = { ready : function() { var selApp = 'instit...

Problem Integrating jquery show-hide with Dynamic Drive Step Carousel Viewer v1.8

I'm using Dynamic Drive Step Carousel Viewer v1.8 so show a series of item images (div class="panel") within a #scroll.belt div. Each image panel includes a hidden <p> containing alarger version of the image and some text description. So far, so good. When a user clicks on any image, I want the hidden <p> associated with that image to a...