
Is it possible to use signal inside a C++ class?

Ok folks let me see if i can explain this clearly... I am doing something like this: #include <signal.h> class myClass { public: void myFunction () { signal(SIGIO,myHandler); } void myHandler (int signum) { /** * Handling code */ } } I am working on Ubuntu, using gcc. But it wo...

Writing Signal handlers for Shared libraries or DLL?

Hi all, i dont even know if this is even possible . but i m trying.. I have a Application A(by some company X). This application allows me to extend the functionality by allowing me to write my own functions(User written). I tell the Application A to call my user functions in the Applications A's configuration file(This is how it knows...

Create temp dir that is globally known and that gets automagically removed (C++)?

In C++, I have a few functions that need to write to a temp directory. Ideally, only one temp directory gets created that they all write to (to minimize I/O overhead). That directory should be automagically removed when the program exits. However, I don't want to deal with creation and removal of the temp directory in the main function ...

Which signals should a wrapper script pass along to a subprogram?

If I have a script that is a wrapper for another program (e.g., a daemonizer wrapper or a wrapper for mathematica), it is sometimes useful to trap signals in the wrapper program and pass them along to the subprogram. For example, here's some Perl code to deal with the INT (interrupt) signal so that if you do ctrl-C after launching the wr...

Algorithm for base-10 numeric display - minimum changes per refresh

Quick Summary: I'm looking for an algorithm to display a four-digit speed signal in such a way that the minimum number of (decimal) digits are changed each time the display is updated. For example: Filtered Signal Display -------------------- 0000 0000 2345 2000 2345 2300 2345 2340 0190 ...

Application receiving mysterious SIGINTs

We have a small daemon application written in C for a couple of various UNIX platforms (this problem is happening in SunOS 5.10), that basically just opens up a serial port and then listens for information to come in via said port. In this particular instance, the daemon appears to read a single transmission (like a file's worth of data...

Managing Signal Handling for daemons that fork()

I want to write a robust daemon in perl that will run on Linux and am following the template described in this excellent answer. However there are a few differences in my situation: First I am using Parallel::ForkManager start() and next; to fork on an event immediately followed by exec('') In such a situation, I have the...

Python - Trap all signals

In python 2.6 under Linux, I can use the following to handle a TERM signal: import signal def handleSigTERM(): shutdown() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handleSigTERM) Is there any way to setup a handler for all signals received by the process, other than just setting them up one-at-a-time? ...

Is there a way to test whether I'm in a signal handler?

I'm having to work on a logging module that can be called from various places in a large project. The problem I have is that sometimes the module may be called from code executed inside a signal handler. Normally, the logging module includes time data using localtime() and strftime(), but of course these calls are not async-signal safe...

Write a signal handler to catch SIGSEGV

Hi all, I want to write a signal handler to catch SIGSEGV. First , I would protect a block of memory for read or writes using char *buffer; char *p; char a; int pagesize = 4096; " mprotect(buffer,pagesize,PROT_NONE) " What this will do is , it will protect the memory starting from buffer till pagesize for any reads or writes. ...

Where should signal handlers live in a django project?

I have just started implementing signal listeners in a django project. While I understand what they are and how to use them. I am having a hard time figuring out where I should put them. The documentation from the django site has this to say: Where should this code live? You can put signal handling and registration code any...

iphone - how to properly handle exceptional situations (signals ?)

Hi In my iphone app, I want to provide some sort of app termination handler that will do some final work (delete some sensitive data) before the application terminates. I want to handle as much of the termination situations as possible: 1) User terminates the app 2) The device runs out of battery 3) The system terminates the app du...

How to change FPU context in signal handler (C++/Linux)

I wrote a signal handler to catch FPE errors. I need to continue execution even if this happens. I receive a ucontext_t as parameter, I can change the bad operand from 0 to another value but the FPU context is still bad and I run into an infinite loop ? Does someone already manupulate the ucontext_t structure on Linux ? I finally found...

How to properly write a SIGPROF handler that invokes AsyncGetCallTrace?

I am writing a short and simple profiler (in C), which is intended to print out stack traces for threads in various Java clients at regular intervals. I have to use the undocumented function AsyncGetCallTrace instead of GetStackTrace to minimize intrusion and allow for stack traces regardless of thread state. The source code for the func...

Can I write-protect every page in the address space of a Linux process?

I'm wondering if there's a way to write-protect every page in a Linux process' address space (from inside of the process itself, by way of mprotect()). By "every page", I really mean every page of the process's address space that might be written to by an ordinary program running in user mode -- so, the program text, the constants, the ...

Reap children without setting $SIG{CHLD} to IGNORE or to a custom signal handler

I am trying to write a socket server that forks for every connection. I have been successful except for one small caveat: my child processes use Net:OpenSSH->capture2() which requires that $SIG{CHLD} not be set to IGNORE or to a custom signal handler. How can I reap my children without setting the signal handler or slowing down the paren...

Linux C and C++: what else should I be logging when handling signals like SIGSEGV?

Working on some linux (Ubuntu) systems, running some in-house C and C++ apps (gcc). There is a long list of signals which are handled, such as SIGSEGV and SIGINT. On signal, the callstack is obtained using backtrace(3) and backgrace_symbols(3). For C++ the function names are even demangled with abi::__cxa_demangle(). My question is: ...