
Why does silverlight show a blank white box?

Hi there is a blank white box shown when loading silverlight pages, I right click and I can view the silverlight options etc However no silverlight is displayed,is this a problem with the website or the way im using silverlight?? ...

Program scroll bar arrow buttons functionality

In some programs, for example, Microsoft Office Excel, when you’re at the end of the document being edited and then press a right or down arrow of the scrollbars, then, you scroll further and the edited area will grow, producing more space for entering data. Can this functionality be implemented in WPF? I tried using ScrollBar instead o...

Get the ListBoxItem in a ListBox

I am trying to change the Control template on a ListBoxItem when It is selected from the ListBox. To do so, I was going to get the selected ListBoxItem from the ListBox itself, and set the control template on that. How would i go about doing this? I have tried, SelectedItem and that returns the bound object within the ListBoxItem. ...

Dragging a Rectangle which is inside a Grid.

Hey there peeps. I managed to sort my "draggable inside grid" issue, however I found another issue. When I start dragging the Rectangle, it dissapears and reappears on mouseup. My code: public Page() { InitializeComponent(); dragGrid.AddHandler(RadDragAndDropManager.DragQueryEvent, new EventHandler<DragDropQueryEventArgs>(On...

design pattern problem

Hello I have a application design problem and I home you can help me solve it.... This is my first application in silverlight and the first application using mvvm design pattern and I am not sure I am applying mvvm how I am supposed to.. The application is a dynamic application and at runtime I can add/remove usercontrols... So I have ...

How to display texts and shapes with same width height at any zoom in Silverlight deep zoom applications?

In my Silverlight application I display texts (textblock on canvas) as well as rectangles and lines (again shapes drawn on the canvas) over deep zoom images. I handle zoom in / out, pan and tilts. What is not realy cool in my opinion, is the way my vector objects look at different zoom factors. Of cause they become bigger or smaller. ...

Navigating Silverlight pages from HTML

Hi, I am developing a website that contains a number of "forms" for entering data, etc, and I plan on using Silverlight and RIA Services for managing the data within these forms. The rest of the site will be normal HTML/CSS/JavaScript. The plan was to create a single Silverlight control with many pages and each page would represent a s...

What's the concept behind INotifyPropertyChanged?

Hello, All the examples of Silverlight using MVVM use interface named IPropertyChanged. What is the concept behind it and why do we need to raise an event whenever we set some value? Eg:- public class UserNPC:INotifyPropertyChanged { private string name; public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = ...

Silverlight Bug? CPU at 100% with no application code executing...

I have a Silverlight 4 application where if a certain usercontrol is visible the CPU utilization jumps to 100%. If the usercontrol is collapsed the CPU drops back to normal. The XAML involved is way too large to post until I can isolated where the problem more specifically. FYI: The code in question makes use of a variety of Silverli...

What are interaction triggers?

Hello, I am reading Shawn Wildermuth's article on architecting Silverlight applications using MVVM light :- I just wonder what is the difference between :- <Button Content="Previous Page" > <i:Interaction.Triggers> <i:EventTrigger...

alias/ short form of address of silverlight app on hosting

Hey, I host my Silverlight app in commercial hosting, but to get it I must put in address field in browser all physical path to aspx file ;/ It is some way to configure application that I can write short address of my page ? ...

xaml assembly reference problem

I have a problem where most of the assemblies I'm referencing in my silverlight application appear to be not found in the xaml, despite the fact that I've added the references to the project using the 'Add Reference' dialog, can see they are present in the specified location, and can browse them using the object browser. I'm using VS 201...

How do I connect my Silverlight app to a WCF Service?

I've been looking for this answer, and all I found was this link, but when I attempted to follow the tutorial I failed hard. What I need is to connect my Silverlight application to a database, just to show informations from a specific table. As I don't want to use the same ORM for my page and my silverlight app, I created a new WCF webse...

Detecting if Snipping Tool is open within a web application

Hi, I was just wondering - is it possible to detect, with either .net, SilverLight, Flash or some other plugin, whether or not Snipping Tool is open, or detect when the user opens it (after the page has loaded)? Also is it possible to detect when print screen is pressed even if another window is active? Thanks in advance. Regards, Ri...

Why does AssemblyPart inherit DependencyObject? and my other related AssemblyPart mysteries

One of my biggest frustrations with using most APIs is that the use cases and/or user stories for the API are not documented anywhere. While the .NET Framework Design Guidelines preaches Scenario-Driven Design, MSDN typically does not explain real-world scenarios. If they provide programming examples, it is entirely explained in terms ...

Accessing current DomainContext from Entity on client side

I'm extending a partial class that was generated from an Entity Framework domain service (it inherits from System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.Entity). In a property in this class, I want to be able to access a complete entity set from my DomainContext and run a query on it. From within the * : Entity class, is there any good way...

A good Silverlight 3.0 reference application, with source?

Having never written a production quality Silverlight app, I am looking to find a quality open source reference application for Silverlight 3.0 (Silverlight 4.0 is no good as I have VS2008) to help learn Silverlight. Ideally I'd like to see: a line of business application, in the client-server tradition. SQL Server back end no use of ...

referencing c# classes/methods in silverlight project

Does anyone know how to do this? I built a backend c# class in but want to access these same classes without recreating them in silverlight. Is this a possibility? ...

Prism App in Silverlight 4 with Centralized Validation

I have a Silverlight 4 Application using the Prism Pattern. I have 3 Views, a main menu, navigation and the form view. If I click on a navigation item I would like to be able to validate the model in my form view. Is there a way to create some sort of central validation so that if I wanted to validate the form view upon clicking or mak...

Get parent page url from silverlight app in iframe

Hi I need to be able to work out what page is hosting my silverlight app. I can get the url of the iframe using System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Document.DocumentUri.AbsolutePath, but I want to get the URL of the web page hosting the iframe. System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Document.DocumentElement.Parent is null. Thanks! ...