
CurrentCulture in Silverlight4 and DataGrids

I having problems with DataGrid component: It shows en-US date-format (mm/dd/yyyy), but the CultureInfo.CurrentCulture is pt-BR (dd/MM/yyyy). Stranger is the fact that datetime is show in pt-BR when edit it: image I can just do a IValueConverter to show it as a string (tested and worked, using CurrentCulture), but then I lost the date ...

How to create two HierarchicalDataTemplates which are mutually-referential in Silverlight?

Given that: DataTemplates cannot be assigned by TargetType StaticResource references can only reference previously How does one template the following situation in a TreeView? class Resource { public string Name {get;} public IEnumerable<Property> Properties {get;} } class Property { public string Name {get;} public IEn...

Silverlight HttpWebRequest content length empty, WTF?

When I run the following code the RESTful web service receiving the request has an empty body (content length = 0) and I don't know why? If I run Fiddler whilst debugging the request executes as expected and the server receives the body, I guess I'm not configuing something for the request any ideas? var request = (HttpWebReque...

How to load data to Silverlight? Json or WCF Service?

This question came to my head while working with a map in silverlight that displays some harbours, and after mouse_overing the harbour, its data gets displayed in the screen. I did it and now it works, using WCF service, but I get some big delays. My friend told me that maybe Json could handle better with this delay, but I have no idea. ...

Silverlight 4 Business Project Windows Identity failure

Hi all, Hoping any Silverlight 4/RIA Services application developers might have seen the behavior I'm seeing and even better yet, have a solution. I have developed a new Silverlight 4 line of business application using the Silverlight Business Project template. The SL app is deployed inside our intranet environment at work and I've con...

Silverlight keydown event for games

I'm trying to use the key down event in silverlight for a game I'm working on. The problem I'm having is that silverlight treats keydown like windows does. For example if you hold down the left arrow key the keydown event triggers once, then pauses for a short while before triggering repeatedly. Obviously in a game this won't do since a...

Does Silverlight 4 install on a non-Intel Mac?

Does Silverlight 4 install on a non-Intel Mac? ...

Silverlight video editing app

Hi, I was wonder if there is any type of silverlight framework that will help me build an app for basic video editing? ...

Silverlight 4: change themes/styles for whole app without using Toolkit

We are embarking on our first Silverlight project, coming from WPF. It's a relatively simple web portal and we would like to avoid references to the Silverlight Toolkit, given our experience with the WPF toolkit. I'm not much of a coder and have a couple questions related to themes: Implicit styles make this easier. It seems clear you...

Silverlight 4 Border Clipping

Is it possible in Silverlight 4 to create a border with rounded corners that clips any of it child UI Element? So far I have attempted to do so by setting a button as a child element of a border control but the buttons does not get clipped when I set the corner radius to create rounded corners in the border. ...

Hide TreeView root node in WPF

Hello, Can someone tell me how to hide the root node of a TreeView in WPF/Silverlight? I would still like to display hierarchical data and to be able to expand collapse nodes except for the root node (which shouldn't be displayed at all). Regards, Xam ...

SilverLight RIA Monitor Tool, need help with design

Ok here's (a simplification of) the situation, the server side has a list of connectionstrings for different DBs on different machines (values in relevant tables keep changing by other SW). Uppon request from the client side, the server side checks the DBs one by one and has a logic that outputs a status string. The client side should...

Silverlight 4 - XamlParseException: Failed to create a 'System.Type' from the text 'local:CustomerEntity'

I am getting this exception when trying to debug a Silverlight 4 application in Visual Studio 2010. The exception will be thrown after it passes the InitializeComponent() line. The exception will only happen during debugging, but it does not seem to be a problem to the Visual Studio Designer. System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException occ...

Centering an App in WP7

I've chosen Landscape only for my view in 800w x 480h available space. I want my app to be 600 (w) by 240 (h), absolutely sized. (There is a long story as to why this is, but it ain't gonna change - I don't want or need to fill all of the available space and need absolute sizing). How can I center the app horizontally and vertically so ...

How to remove a page from the navigation history?

I have 3 pages in my app. Page # 2 navigates back to page #1 and forward to Page # 3. How can I make it so navigating back from page #3 would skip page # 2 and go directly to #1? ...

How to force control ignore any gui events in Silverlight

Hi folks, I have a simple page with canvas control. Inside canvas I have some SL controls like buttons, textboxes etc. Also I cover the controls by semi-transparent Image control. So, when I click on some button, the click message doesn't reach the button, because I click on Image. Is there a way to say the Image that it must not han...

Silverlight Listbox with multiple selection mode

Silverlight windows phone 7. Listbox with selectionmode multiple. How to make certain items selected by default. listbx.SelectedItems seems to have only get method. ...

Develop an online multitouch scrumboard | Flex or Silverlight?

My company want to develop an online multitouch scrumboard for our scrumteams. We are still in doubt between flex and silverlight as platform for the application. (don't want to fire a hole new flex vs. silverlight discussion again) Installation rate & platform independence are not critical to us, because it's just for teammembers and on...

How to set the Expect header in Silverlight 4.0 to ignore HTTP status code 100

I want the Silverlight 4.0 client to ignore '100-continue' response code from a RESTful resource service, to do this i need to be able to set the Expect header - ' Expect: 100-continue' is this possible with the HttpWebRequest class? All the normal ways of doing this are not supported in Silverlight 4.0. ...

Is there a MonoTouch.Dialog port to Silverlight/wp7?

I am thinking about how an application can be written to work on both Windows 7 Phone and IPhone, one option is MonoTouch.Dialog for most of the UI on the IPhone and then create a layer that will let the some code work on WP7. Has anyone looked at doing this? ...