
.Net Web Service Logging

My ideal situation for logging in our web service would be to log all the method calls (authentication as well as data access) with the parameters passed to them as well as errors that may have occured, and have them linked with a single ID that associates them with the same call. In addition, I'd ideally like to be able to control whet...

.NET SOAP Extension is throwing NullReferenceException inside MethodInfo?

NOTE: Using .NET 2.0, and VS2005 as IDE Hello all, I'm working on logging webservice calls to our database, and finally got the SoapExtension configured and running using a very stripped-down implementation that was ported over from another project. I've set it up in the configuration file so it will run for all methods. When I call ...

Add prefix to XML Root Node - Implementation of Scott Hanselman's suggestion?

I would like to add a namespace prefix to the XML root node and I found an entry by Scott Hanselman which details exactly what I would like to achieve. The only problem being the implementation is missing ! Modifying the namespace PREFIX of the root node of the body of a SOAP Web Services Response....whew! It would be of great help i...

How to detect which web service protocol an ASP.NET request is using?

I have an ASP.NET (1.1) web service which authenticates clients using a SoapExtension.ProcessMessage(SoapMessage) override as described in: However if the web.config if not set up such that HttpSoap is the only protocol allowed, then ProcessMessage will never get called for requ...

Calling a Method with a SoapExtensionAttribute

I have problem, I want set soap extension attribute in web method: Soap extension in web service: public class EncryptMessageAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute { private string strKey="null"; public void setKey(string s) { strKey=s; } } Soap extension class: public class EncryptMessage : SoapExtension { .......

ASMX Web Service Soap Extension - How to Inject Attribute into Client Proxy Class?

I try set soap extension attributes on client side. For example: Implementation in web service: [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)] public class EncryptMessageAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute { private string strKey="null"; public string StrKey { get { return strKey; } set { strKey = value; } ...

SoapExtension not loading.

Hi I'm trying to write a soap extension. But the framework is not loading it. I've added to the web.config <webServices> <soapExtensionTypes> <add group="High" priority="1" type="Lisa.Admin.SoapExceptionExtension,Lisa.Admin" /> </soapExtensionTypes> </webServices> and even if I change the type to some bullshit It does n...

log request/response of .net SOAP web service

I'm consuming a third party .NET SOAP WebService (.asmx). I want to log request and response. I have seen some solutions using SoapExtensions. But I like to integrate logging in my system, some like this: public class MyWebService : ThirdPartyWebService { public string Request { ... } public string Response {... } } Could i do...