
PHP Doctrine SoftDelete - Include deleted records?

If I have one of my PHP Doctrine objects act as a SoftDelete, is it possible to include deleted items in the results of certain queries? What I'm looking for is something like this... $q = Doctrine_Query::create() ->select('*') ->from('Test t') ->where('id < ?', 25) *->includeDeleted()*; Something like this would be u...

Difference betwwen Nhibernate Session.Get and Session.CreateCriteria

Hi All What is the difference between Nhibernate Session.Get and Session.CreateCriteria? My story is: In our product we implemented a softDeletion by adding a Interface ISoftDeletable, each class which implement this Interface has deletedDate and deletedBy field. Also we have AuditableEntity class which means that each class which imp...

Does Propel know when an object has been soft-deleted, so that child entities could still show their deleted parent?

Hi, I am soft-deleting objects in a MySQL database and using the Propel ORM. I have gotten soft-deleting to work, but at the cost of losing my enforced parent-child relationships, since the actual rows are not being deleted. Is there any way for Propel to know that a record has been soft-deleted when you access it, so that a null-refe...