
Do you think the Spring WebFlow Flow Definition format would be suitable for externalising a Web Flow for a non Spring framework?

I like the idea of Spring WebFlow - particularly the way the flow definitiion abstracts the higher level web flow from components in the Spring Bean Container. The Flow definition format seems to include everything one needs in a Web Flow - views, actions, transitions, subflows, outcomes etc. Do you think the Spring WebFlow Flow Defin...

How to solve refreshing issues in Facelets and Spring Web Flow?

For my particular project, I'm using Facelets (1.1.14), MyFaces (1.2.3), and Spring Web Flow (2.0.3). My IDE is JDeveloper My browser is IE6 (work requirement). Okay...ran into a very weird issue today. Normally, when I'm using Facelets, I can make whatever changes I want to my xhtml file, refresh my browser window, and s...

Spring Web Flow - How can I set up unit test with values already in conversationScope?

I am working on a project using Spring Web Flow 2.0. I am trying to unit test a flow that begins with a decision state. The decision state checks the value of an object that is on the conversationScope. I cannot figure out how to insert a value into the conversationScope for the unit test. I have tried: getConversationScope().put("...

When using Spring Web Flow 1, how do I add an object to a list in a bean?

I have a a web flow where I need to capture data on one of the screens. This data is stored in an object which will be held in a list in the bean. On submitting the page I want to be able to create an object, and add it to the list in the bean. Is this possible? Thanks ...

Validating multiple forms on one page using Spring Web Flow and JSF

I'm trying to use JSF to validate two different forms in Spring Web Flows. The problem is that validateAllOnClick seems to fire EVERY clientside validator on the page. Setting processIds to the form I want to validate's ID, or input ID, or validator ID just causes none of the client side validators to fire if I also remove validateALlO...

Question regarding Spring Webflow 2.0 from a newbie ...

Hello, I'm new to the Spring MVC Framework and Webflow, and ofcourse, I've been thrown on a project involving these technologies. I'm having a problem that I can't get answered on the Spring website forums, so I thought I'd check with the smart people on this forum. I have a view (i.e. screen) which when I exit, I want to go to differe...

How to use multiple ViewResolvers in Spring?

I am working on a web app where I have most of my pages making use of apache tiles (2.1.2), but a few of them need to just be plain jsps. I am having a problem in that both an InternalResourceViewResolver and a UrlBasedViewResolver will try to resolve the view no matter what, so that no matter which ordering I use, it will either fail o...

Any FileUpload replacement to work side by side with ICEfaces and Spring Web Flow?

FileUpload control from ICEfaces conflicts with Spring Web Flow 2.0. If anyone knows another FileUpload JSF control that work OK with Spring Web Flow and doesn't conflict with ICEfaces? ...

Webflow 2.0 Question

I have a view-state that can return multiple events. For most of them, there is a common jave method I want to "evaluate." There are are few where I want to do something different. Each event, however, will transition to a different state. My web flow code now is repeating the evaluate of the method multiple times, once for each applicab...

AOP with AbstractAction execute method

I was attempting to set up an aspect on one of the classes extending AbstractAction (SWF - package org.springframework.webflow.action) on the public final method execute. The execute is the only public method in the interface Action class It's signature is: public abstract Event execute(RequestContext requestcontext) throws Exception...

Spring Web Flow Set Form Input Value

Hi.... I am having a problem assigning default value to my Spring Form input field.. here's my code <form:form method="post" modelAttribute="employeeDirectoryInfo"> <form:input type="text" value=${employeeInfo.employee_id}> </form> The problem is it will say that value attribute is not valid for tag <form:input> ...

Cannot get bean from flowScope

Hi all, I have a problem with my bean saved in flowScope, it doesn't recognize it-i receive null in my service class function, what could be the problem? And I ask this because with other beans it works. I copy the code for the beans that would work and I saw that in the moment I change the name of the bean-instead of result="flowScope....

How do i display non-validation errors in jsp with spring webflow

Hi, How do i display non-validation errors in jsp with spring webflow. Something equivalent to struts ActionErrors/ Thx ...

Spring Webflow Best Practice

Hi. I have a java web application which uses spring webflow as framework. I have a problem with processing data on a plain flow xml. When the processing gets more complicated I find it hard to implement using the flow xml of the web flow. I was considering of using controllers to perform these operations. How do I do this. Have no Idea ...

Spring Webflow with Pager taglib?

Is it somehow possible to use the Pager taglib with Spring Webflow? I'm currently facing a bit of a problem inserting the "pager.offset" request parameter into the flow. So far I tried <input name="pager.offset" type="int" /> But this only resulted in a nice FlowInputMappingException because of the missing "pager" object property....

Spring Web Flow

I have a java web applicaitonj. using spring web flow. How do I pass values from one flow to another flow http://www.springframework.org/schema/webflow/spring-webflow-2.0.xsd"> <persistence-context /> <var name="editBean" class="jp.co.anicom.domain.User" /> <var name="deleteBean" class="jp.co.anicom.domain.User" /> <var name="authori...

Spring Web Flow

hi. I am really having a problem about what to use as an alternative for web flow. I have read that not all functionalities should be handled by web flow. Only those which needs complex xstate management. For those easy stuffs like just login, editing or deleting records what will I use as an alternative for web flow? ...

Spring Web Flow Error MEssages

Hi. I have a java web application running on Spring Web FLow,Spring Faces. I would like to ask as to how to properly manage error messages display. Should I do the usual storing of error messages on the session? Or is there a better handling by Spring regarding the matter. ...

Passing parameters from trinidad controls to the flow

Hi, I am new to JSF, Facelets, SWF and Trinidad technologies, and I having a problem submitting parameters from the <tr:commandButton> on a xhtml page to the flow (using the <f:param>). The interesting thing is when I use <h:commanButton> instead of the <tr:commandButton>, everything works fine. The reason I need to use trinidad button ...

Dynamic Forms in Spring Web Flow

Hi, I am trying to make a dynamic form using Spring forms. Basically in my jsp page i have button to Add input text boxes, I can add as many as i want. Dynamically am adding these text boxes using javascript and spring:bind tag. And values also binding to bean object. And i can pass these values to next page also. As we know in spring we...