
Load ajax load in JSF

Ok, heres my issue: I have a JSF application and some JSP files. Let's say i have main.jsp which has a view and includes sub.jsp. This works fine. sub.jsp contains a subview. As a result all the ID's of the form elements in sub.jsp follow the form of 'subview:component'. Now suppose I'm using some ajax and want to fetch the jsp page sub....

"Fixing" a sub-view within a UIScrollView

I have a UIScrollView which contains a view (lets call this "main view") which scrolls along the X and Y axis. I am trying to transparently overlay a heading over this view which is fixed at the top of the screen (not view) but scrolls along the X axis as the main view does. When the main view scrolls along the Y axis the heading remai...

How do you have a table and other elements on the same iPhone view?

I'm trying to write an iPhone app where one of the main pages has a few text fields and a 3-element table that basically work as navigation buttons to pickers. However, all of the tutorial examples I've found treat tables as something that takes over the whole view. Can anyone point me to examples where a table is only a PART of a vi...

What's the best way to organize multiple subviews?

As someone who is fairly new to iPhone development, I've been trying to find good design patterns for managing multiple subviews, specifically where the subviews need the same type of delegate methods to be defined. For example, I have a view where I need to swap between 2 UITableViews based on user actions. Both UITableViews need a UIT...

Subviews not showing up in UIView class

I'm trying to lay out some images in code using addSubview, and they are not showing up. I created a class (myUIView) that subclasses UIView, and then changed the class of the nib file in IB to be myUIView. Then I put in the following code, but am still getting a blank grey screen. - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { if (sel...

Load a UINavigationController as a subview from UIViewController

I am a newbi in iPhone development.I want to build an app which will have a UIViewController first , which will have a button.Now on clicking the button, it shud load a UINavigation controller. Here is how i m approaching : i created a UIViewController class, where i took a -(IBAction) PressMeFunc:(id) sender for the button to b...

Issue with receiving touches for a UIView subview of a MKMapView using MapKit

I have added a subclass of UIView as a subview to an MKMapView when a button is pressed. The UIView has its background colour set to be clear. This UIView is not getting messaged with any of the touchesBegan, etc. messages. The MKMapView seems to be receiving all the messages still as zooming still occurs on a double click, etc. How ...

iPhone Dev - Which way should a member be added as a subview

(We're talking about code inside custom UIViewController subclasses -- And by the way I don't use IB) Ok so I set the self.view member in - (void)loadView, and then I create my controls and views and whatever in - (void)viewDidLoad, and then add them to the subview. If the control isn't a member, if I create it and release it locally in ...

Is it possible to push a navigationController as a subView of UIApplication

Hello, does anyone know if it's possible to push navigationController as a subView of UIApplication. For instance like this [[[UIApplication sharedApplication]keyWindow]addSubview:[self.navigationController pushViewController:rvController animated:YES]]; This doesn't work of course else I wouldn't have asked the question;). But s...

MPMoviePlayer - subview/overlay disappears upon replay/loop

I'm adding a subview/overlay starting from the MediaPlayer example project. The difference is that I'm trying to loop using the following code in the moviePlaybackDidFinish notification: moviePlayer.initialPlaybackTime = -1.0; [moviePlayer play]; That weird initialPlaybackTime property keeps the video from flickering on subsequent lo...

how to release uiview added as subview in scrollview?

i have added a UIViewController's view and a button to scrollview as how do i release all instance of UIViewController' is an attached image in the view every uiview has a button over it for further navigation.... now i want to release uiview's and remove buttons from the scrollview is my method to add su...

Debugging UIViews missing subviews member in variable list of debugger

Hello thogether While searching a bug in my code today I found a strange thing. When inspecting a UIView instance in the debugger the variable view of Xcode does not show the subviews member of the UIView class. I only see this fields in the debugger (> should indicate the opening triangle): >UIResponder >_layer >_tabInfo >_gestureIn...

UIViewController Overlaping Views

I know that I'm either operating with a fundamental misunderstanding or have just missed something simple here. Basically I'm trying to add a new UIViewController on top of an existing UIViewController when the user clicks a UIButton. -(void)newCharacterClick:(id)sender{ characterViewController *viewController = [[[characterViewCont...

Auto rotation of UIImageView subviews

Hi, Root view is a UIImage View, it has subviews, those have subviews. My root view will open in landscape i have set both project properties in the project's .plist and have integrated application.statusBarOreintation in applicationDidFinishLaunching and verified that it works. But all of my subviews are appearing in portrait. How do ...

Handling subview's touch events within it's parent while retaining screen coordinate data relative to window

Hi, Parent is a UIImageView, child is a UIImageView. Both have enable user interaction set to yes. Problem is that child will cover parent view, so can't fire touches from the parent, need to do them from the child. But how can the child either set a new image file in the parent based on it's touch events which can be acquired by user ...

How to remove a subview from memory and display right away?

How do I remove a UIImageView's subview (a View Controller in this case) from memory and display immediately? [myGroovySubview release]; isn't doing it. Any help appreciated! Thanks // :) ...

Passing a touch event to all subviews of a View Controller

I have a view controller which creates multiple subviews on top of it. All subviews and the view controller accept touches. How can i communicate the touch point information to all the subviews on the screen? Keep in mind that each subview covers the entire screen so after a few additions its a bit like pages in a book. That is, any s...

Content of custom table view cells not drawing correctly

I have several parts in my app where I use custom table view cells. Their content is created with subviews. The problem is that on some of these cells, the content does not appear at all or does not appear correctly until after the cell was selected for the first time. One example is a custom cell which has a custom subview which can...

uitableview subview : why this uilabel is not visible?

I want to display a label showing a number in each cell of the tableview but the label is only visible when I click on a row (when the cell is highlited) - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; UILabel *label; UITableV...

Change the z-order of subviews on the iPhone

I'm developing a game. I'm using about 150 UIImageView to hold the graphics. I'm simulating a 3D enviroment, so i would like to change the z-order (how close is an object to the camera). I know there exists : [superWindow exchangeSubviewAtIndex:i withSubviewAtIndex:j]; But for some reason it's not working, some of the subviews disappe...