
Is anyone using SunSPOTs or another sensor/controller platform?

I'm curious how many people out there (well, on StackOverflow at least) have played with Sun's SunSPOT technology. SunSPOTs are wireless sensor devices that can also control robotic platforms, like the Systronix TrackBot. Fortunately, there's an easy-to-use Java API for programming them. I'm interested in whether: You're playing wit...

What's the best way to monitor a socket for new data and then process that data?

Please pardon my C#.Net newbie status. If this is obvious and I missed it from the docs, a link to the relevant page or sample code would be appreciated. I am working on an application that will accept a TCP socket connection from a Java application. (Yes, Java is required on that part. It's a Sun SPOT device and Java is the only option...

Do you recommend TTL, SPI or I2C with SunSPOT

I am starting to try to interface with some external components (Skyetek M1 Mini or M1 RFID scanner) than supports the following protocols TTL, SPI or I2C. I am wondering which one of these routes you would recommend. The app that is running on the spot needs alot of processing time (a continuously running gesture matching algorithm) and...

Capture ANT output

Can anyone suggest to me the best way to capture the output from an ANT command? I'm writing some routing tests for sun spot devices. The command itself returns network statistics. I'm trying to write something which will dump all these results into a more visual application. I'm on Windows Vista. Thanks ...

How do I set up a facet search with a many to many relationship using Sunspot?

I haven't implemented a search feature before and feel a bit stuck. I have a Sunspot search feature which finds results based on keywords - this works great - but I now want to implement the multi select facet feature, but I can't even seem to figure out how to set-up a basic facet search. I have a many to many relationship (in rails no...

Start Sunspot solr at/on Reboot

Hi guys, I'm trying to start Sunspot's solr server on my ubuntu workstation and server. So far I'm tried in the crontab @reboot sh -c 'cd /<location of rails program>/; rake sunspot:solr:start' and @reboot sunspot-solr start -d <options> -s <options> -p <port-num> Neither are able to start the server at reboot. Thoughts? Thanks, ...

Sunspot / Solr full text search - how to index Rails associations

Is it possible to index through an association with Sunspot? For example, if a Customer has_many Contacts, I want a 'searchable' block on my Customer model that indexes the Contact#first_name and Contact#last_name columns for use in searches on Customer. acts_as_solr has an :include option for this. I've simply been combining the asso...

Exclude draft articles from Solr index with Sunspot

I have an indexed model called Article and I don't want solr to index unpublished articles. class Article < ActiveRecord::Base searchable do text :title text :body end end How can I specify that article that is not #published? should not be indexed? ...

Full text search for irregular rapper names with Solr

I'm implementing full text search functionality on my rap website, and I'm running into some issues with rapper and song names. For example, someone might want to search for the rapper "Cam'ron" using the query "camron" (leaving out the mid-word apostrophe). Likewise, someone might search for the song "3 Peat" using the query "3peat". ...

Sunspot-Solr was started and won't attach to database..

Background: Did a switchamaroo to a cluster server from a solo box. As a result, a few things were overwritten in the transfer. Of them, was that sunspot-solr doesn't read the database anymore. I know of this command $> sunspot-solr start -- -p 8982 -d data/solr/development Which didn't work. If this is the golden command, then poss...

NO METHOD ERROR in rails i am new new for rails

the extracted source is below Showing /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.3.5/lib/action_controller/templates/rescues/diagnostics.erb where line # raised: private method `gsub' called for #<NoMethodError: undefined method `closed?' for nil:NilClass> Extracted source (around line #): RAILS_ROOT: /home/sharath/Desktop/RORWorkspa...

Rails 3 and Sunspot, rdoc or good tuto

I'm new to sunspot and rails 3, so I followed this little tuto: But there is not a lot of details, and the official github of outoftime/sunspot do not speak much about the rails 3 version. ex: How can I do a rake sunspot:reindex So if anyone know where I can find some good rdoc for the rails 3 versio...

How can I make my 'sunspot-solr start' work ?

Hi guys, I'm have problem to start my sunspot-solr. I'm fallowing instructions from this github/wiki So I made the installation part without trouble apparently. End then I tried to start it with: sunspot-solr start -p 8982 -d solr/data/development -s solr --pid-dir=tmp/pids -l FINE --log-file=log/sunspot-solr-development.log It didn...

How do I update Sunspot-Solr's path after I change my Application Name

Normally my app was located here at : /data/Site/current/ but now it's: /data/Site2/current/ I tried to script/console into it, and reindex, and received the following error which lead me to believe that the new path is throwing it off: RSolr::RequestError: Solr Response: Failed_to_acquire_random_test_lock_please_verify_filesystem_f...

How do you think Reddit handles reindexing their posts to keep the accurately in order?

I can't imagine it indexing per vote. It would strain the server innapropriately. I mention this because I'm trying to do something similar on a project of mine, and can't figure out what the best way to index objects after they have been voted on. I am using Sunspot-Solr. ...

ERROR while running Sunspot solr search engine

i have installed sunspot search engine as mentioned in website every thing is installed correctly but it is showing error while starting a solr instance for sunspot when i run command "sunspot-solr start -- -p 8983 -d /home/sharath/data/solr/devp" it shows error "sunspot-solr: command not found" ...

Sunspot highlights not appearing

I've gone through the docs in github: to find solutions for highlighting, but it doesn't seem to work for me. My Job model has something like this block (omitted some fields on purpose): searchable do text :name string :name, :stored => true time :updated_at time :created_at t...

Can sunspot-solr filter_by nested attributes?

Let's say I have People, and People has_many Watermelon . I have a filter_by that can work for People attributes, for example : :filter_by => 'has_eaten_today' But can I do a :filter_by for the nested attribute of Watermelon? For example : :filter_by => 'watermelons.created_at' Thanks! ...

How to get query time from a Sunspot Search

I've implemented Sunspot to do searching on a Rails App. Is there any way to get the time the query took to execute? Eg. 10 records returned in 0.5 seconds I've been searching around the sunspot docs, but i can't seem to find out if they support this or not. ...

Changing params for search with rails and sunspot

This seems like a common task, I'm sure others have come across it. If my controller says this : def index s = Organization do |query| query.keywords params[:q] unless params[:q].blank? query.with(:searchable).equal_to(params[:filter_by] == 'published' ? 'true' : false) if params[:filter_by] .. How do I: ....