
WPF: Examples of using a Style on a Window.

I have created a borderless window style wherein I draw the chrome (Borders, TitleBar, Min, Max, Close, SystemMenu, etc) and I would like to check it against an existing example. Specifically for the SystemMenu but also in case I missed something. Does anyone have or know of similar examples? ...

WPF: How do I disable the SystemMenu shortcut 'Alt+Space'?

I have a borderless window and created the chrome but I need to disable the 'Alt+Space' shortcut. Any thoughts? ...

How do i get menu events from a menu item in the system menu of a console window?

I have added a menu item to the SystemMenu of the console window of my application which i created using the AllocConsole() function. but I could not figure out how to process the events for the menu items I've added. How can i process those menu events? Thank you ...

How to Disable the Move System Menu Item?

In Microsoft Windows, this works: mnu := GetSystemMenu(h, false); EnableMenuItem(mnu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_GRAYED); But this does not work: mnu := GetSystemMenu(h, false); EnableMenuItem(mnu, SC_MOVE, MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_GRAYED); Hence I know how to disable the "Close" system menu item of a window, but not the "Move" ite...


An application recieves the WM_SYSCOMMAND message when the user selects a menu item command on the system menu, and so wParam can be SC_CLOSE, SC_CONTEXTHELP, SC_MAXIMIZE, SC_MINIMIZE, SC_RESTORE etc. That's logical. (Of course you can also send these messages by clicking on the minimize, maximize, close buttons etc.) But one can also s...