
Custom Taxonomy + Custom Post Type in Wordpress Permalinks ?

Is it possible to get a Wordpress URL to look like this: /%post-type%/%custom-taxonomy%/%postname%/ I can get everything but the middle. Any ideas? ...

Drupal 6: URL Alias setting for Vocabulary/Term to Term-customtext

Hi friends, I have a Vocabulary for location. and as a default it takes path as and I need to make it as My configurations are as below. but somehow it doesn't work at all :/ Appreciate advises!! Thanks a lot! Terms in Location view: Automated URL alia...

Break up taxonomy on node form

Hello! I want to theme a node form for a blog. I've got two vocabularies for the blog type, one with categories and one with tags. I'd like to display the category choices in one place and the tags input in another place. Is it possible to break up the taxonomy field like that? I've tried with <?php print drupal_render($form['taxonomy'][...

Auto Assign a Taxonomy Based on a ZipCode in Drupal

Hi ! I need to automatically assing a taxonomy term to a node based on its zipcode (field). What would be the best solution to accomplish it ? Thanks ! ...

Weird hierarchical select requirement for Drupal

Anybody know of a module or other way to do a hierarchical select in Drupal that first pulls in a taxonomy vocabulary from which you select and then based on your taxonomy selection limits a CCK related node field to a specific content type. ...

Not sure how to programmatically filter by taxonomy metadata in my custom search webpart.

I have pages in a pages library on a publishing site which have a managed metadata (taxonomy) field in their content type. I want my custom search webpart to read the taxonomy set on its parent page (I can do this fine) and then query against a specific scope using only the selected tags of the parent page as the filter (no keyword neces...

Drupal 6: Advertisement module for particular page with channel.

Hi friends, I use module. I have taxonomy pages for locations and I need to display location specific ads. so I have created a Channel for a location, and set the url (see below) and added my print ad() code to page. then, created some ads for the channel, but it doesnt display any ads under the provided url...

[Drupal] How can I programmatically add taxonomy terms to a node in hook_nodeapi()?

I am creating a module that needs to tag nodes with taxonomy terms when they are created. I have implemented hook_nodeapi() to do this, and am trying to add the term in there like so: function hook_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) { switch ($op) { case 'insert': $node->taxonomy = array(1 => taxonomy_get_term(1));...

Wordpress: custom post types: using custom fields or taxonomies?

I'm thinking about using WP custom post types to create a basic real estate website. The post type will be for property listings. I've decided to have one post type for For Sale and one for Rentals, simple because they have somewhat different property information. A typical listing will need to specify some information, ie, is it a hou...

Create view in Drupal with a taxonomy argument that displays values for hierarchies

Hi there, I'm trying to get my view to work correctly using a taxonomy argument. My taxonomy has a hierarchy so if I supply the main taxonomy term (which has various sub-terms), I want it to show results for the main term plus all the sub-terms. However, at the moment it is only supplying results for the main term and excludes it's sub-...

Get all posts from custom taxonomy in Wordpress

Is there a way to get all the posts from a taxonomy in Wordpress ? In taxonomy.php, I have this code that gets the posts from the term related to the current term. $current_query = $wp_query->query_vars; query_posts( array( $current_query['taxonomy'] => $current_query['term'], 'showposts' => 10 ) ); I'd like to create a page with all...

Wordpress - Custom taxonomy page of custom post type listing by terms

I have a taxonomy-taxonomy.php page that needs to look like so: CUSTOM POST TYPE TITLE (RESOURCES) Custom Taxonomy 1 (Resource Types) Resource Type Term 1 (White Papers) White Paper post 1 White Paper post 2 White Paper post 3 Resource Type Term 2 (Videos) Videos post 1 Videos post 2 Videos post 3 Tried to make sense of al...

Add & Separate Custom Post Types in Taxonomy.php / Taxonomy Page

I have a taxonomy.php file to display taxonomy terms. I added a filter in functions.php to include post types for the taxonomy page query. This filter: add_filter( 'pre_get_posts' , 'ucc_include_custom_post_types' ); function ucc_include_custom_post_types( $query ) { global $wp_query; /* Don't break admin or preview pages. */ ...

get_page_by_title in Wordpress. How to use to fetch posts?

Recently, Wordpress added in the Trac that you can fetch posts by title using: get_page_by_title Instead of querying the database straight up. If I wanted to get post titled "my farm", how would I change the parameters so it is searching for a post (or a post type?): $page_title='Joey in the forest'; 'character' is a post type. But ...

Wordpress : How Do I get taxonomy name in taxonomy.php?

I am able to display the term of the taxonomy in the taxonomy page, but how do I get the taxonomy , or display the taxonomy on the page. for example, when I have a taxonomy called "fruit" and I click on a fruit term called "lemons", How do I display both "lemons" and "fruit" on the taxonomy term page? Just looking for the get term equ...

How to build a "block taxonomy tagging feature"?

First, I apologize the title is so vague. Its hard to explain what I want to accomplish. Anyhow, I want to build a template that requires a pool of nodes (Content Type A) to be presented along side the main content of a page (Content Type B). This Content Type A could be seen as a box if you like. As you create a new page (Content Type B...

How do I generate Drupal Taxonomy Breadcrumbs from two vocabularies?

I have discovered the magic of Taxonomy Breadcrumb ( ). I have two dimensions in which I would like to classify my content: Season Fall 2010 Winter 2010 Spring 2011 Type Letter Article Biography I would like to set Taxonomy Breadcrumb to set up a trail like so: Home > [season] > [ty...

I'd like to use a drupal-like taxonomy system on external script

For my site, i would add a category system to organize content just like the drupal taxonomy. Do something like this already exist? ...

Wordpress: How can I exclude posts in child taxonomies from a custom taxonomy query?

My WordPress theme has a custom taxonomy called "Collections". The custom taxonomy is hierarchical, so there are subcollections. I have a Collection called "Books" and a sub-collection called "Novels". There are some posts that are just in "Books", and some posts that are in "Novels". I want the page for the "Books" collection to only s...

Terms by vocabulary in node.tpl

I've created a variable in template.php that let's me print terms by vocabulary. The problem is that I want to be able to pass in a vocabulary id to select a specific vocabulary. My code looks like this: function xnalaraart_classic_print_terms($node, $vocabularies){ foreach($vocabularies as $vocabulary){ if($terms = taxonomy...