
Text Input with descriptive text

Hello, I was wondering if there's an easy way with javascript (including JQuery, which we're using on the site) to put descriptive text in a text input until the user clicks it to type in their own text. For instance I'd like to put the word 'Search' in a text input (preferrably in a lighter color than real input) until the user click...

padding a text input in IE... possible?

I have a text input with a search buton absolute positioned over it... to make space for the button I used some padding to keep the text from going under the button, which is fine, it works in firefox, but not IE. In fact... It doesn't seem like padding on text inputs works at all in IE. They have the following code <style type="text...

Help with the WPF TextCompositionManager events

The docs on this are pretty shoddy. There are a number of events you can hook into to monitor and take control of text input that are accessed via the TextCompositionManager. If you're wanting to do something like snag card swipe data, this is where you'd do it. There are three events that concern text input: TextInput, TextStart, an...

How can I prevent input controls from stealing the space character from the TextCompositionManager?

Related (but not a dupe!) to this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1053210/help-with-the-wpf-textcompositionmanager-events When using the TextCompositionManager I'm having an issue where, if an input control such as the TextBox has focus, the TextBox will "steal" the space character before I can get a chance to act on it. ...

Use JavaScript to place cursor in a Chrome text input element

I've been working on sending text to an input element in Chrome and I noticed that, unlike in IE or FF, calling .focus() does not put the cursor in the text area. So does anyone know of an alternative for placing the cursor on a Chrome input element? ...