
Tricky Python string literals in passing parameter to timeit.Timer() function

I'm having a hard time with the setup statement in Python's timeit.Timer(stmt, setup_stmt). I appreciate any help to get me out of this tricky problem: So my sniplet looks like this: def compare(string1, string2): # compare 2 strings if __name__ = '__main__': str1 = "This string has \n several new lines \n in the middle" s...

Getting "global name 'foo' is not defined" with Python's timeit

I'm trying to find out how much time it takes to execute a Python statement, so I looked online and found that the standard library provides a module called timeit that purports to do exactly that: import timeit def foo(): # ... contains code I want to time ... def dotime(): t = timeit.Timer("foo()") time = t.timeit(1) ...

python: slow timeit() function

When I run the code below outside of timeit(), it appears to complete instantaneously. However when I run it within the timeit() function, it takes much longer. Why? >>> import timeit >>> t = timeit.Timer("3**4**5") >>> t.timeit() 16.55522028637718 Using: Python 3.1 (x86) - AMD Athlon 64 X2 - WinXP (32 bit) ...

timeit versus timing decorator

I'm trying to time some code. First I used a timing decorator: #!/usr/bin/env python import time from itertools import izip from random import shuffle def timing_val(func): def wrapper(*arg,**kw): '''source: http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet368.html''' t1 = time.time() res = func(*arg,**kw) t2 = t...

accurately measure time python function takes

Hello, I need to measure the time certain parts of my program take (not for debugging but as a feature in the output). Accuracy is important because the total time will be a fraction of a second. I was going to use the time module when I came across timeit, which claims to avoid a number of common traps for measuring execution times. U...

Can't use a data obj with timeit.Time module in python

I'm trying to measure how long it takes read then encrypt some data (independently). But I can't seem to access the a pre-created data obj within timeit (as it runs in its own virtual environment) This works fine (timing file read operation): t = timeit.Timer(""" openFile = open('mytestfile.bmp', "rb") fileData = openFile.readlines() ...

Measure time of a function with arguments in Python

I am trying to measure the time of raw_queries(...), unsuccessfully so far. I found that I should use the timeit module. The problem is that I can't (= I don't know how) pass the arguments to the function from the environment. Important note: Before calling raw_queries, we have to execute phase2() (environment initialization). Side not...

Managing Setup code with TimeIt

As part of a pet project of mine, I need to test the performance of various different implementations of my code in Python. I anticipate this to be something I do alot of, and I want to try to make the code I write to serve this aim as easy to update and modify as possible. It's still in its infancy at the moment, but I've taken to usin...

How to use a callable as the setup with timeit.Timer?

I want to time some code that depends on some setup. The setup code looks a little like this: >>> b = range(1, 1001) And the code I want to time looks vaguely like this: >>> sorted(b) Except my code uses a different function than sorted. But that ain't important right now. Anyhow, I know how to time this code as long as I pass i...

Python: Time a code segment for testing performance (with timeit)

Hi, I've a python script which works just as it should but I need to write the time for the execution. I've gooled that I should use timeit but I can't seem to get it to work. My Python script looks like this: import sys import getopt import timeit import random import os import re import ibm_db import time from string import maketran...

timeit module hangs with bigger values of pow()

Dear All, I am trying to calculate the time taken by pow function to calculate exponential modulo. With the values of g,x,p hardcoded the code gives error and with the values placed in the pow function, the code hangs. The same piece of code is working efficiently when i am using time() and clock() to calculate the time taken by this pi...

NameError for using timeit in python

I got NameError when I try to run this codes."global name j is not defined". How can I fix it? def test(j): for i in range(j): j = i**2 if __name__=='__main__': from timeit import Timer j = 30 t = Timer("test(j)","from __main__ import test") print( t.timeit(j)) ...

Timeit in Windows Server 2008 R2

timeit doesn´t work in Windows Server 2008 R2. Which other could I use? ...

Python - Timeit within a class

I'm having some real trouble with timing a function from within an instance of a class. I'm not sure I'm going about it the right way (never used timeIt before) and I tried a few variations of the second argument importing things, but no luck. Here's a silly example of what I'm doing: import timeit class TimedClass(): def __init__(...

Why does "python -mtimeit" show less time when the code contains some module imports ?

On my single core 1.4 GHz computer, I ran the following 2 timeit codes: suzan:~$ python -mtimeit " def count(n): while n > 0: n -= 1 count(10000000) " 10 loops, best of 3: 1.73 sec per loop suzan:~$ suzan:~$ python -mtimeit " import os def count(n): while n > 0: n -= 1 count(10000000) " 10 loops, best of 3...

Python timeit problem

Hi, I'm trying to use the timeit module but I don't know how. I have a main: from Foo import Foo if __name__ == '__main__': ... foo = Foo(arg1, arg2) t = Timer("foo.runAlgorithm()") print t.timeit(2) and my Class Foo has a method named as runAlgorithm() the error is this: NameError: global name 'foo' is not defined W...