
How to share clipboard between tmux/vim and osx

I found solution for iterm+vim here -> Now i use fakeclip, and it work in vim directly, but not when i use tmux to split terminal window. ...

Move window between tmux clients

I'm just learning tmux and I have no experience with screen. I'm wondering if I can move a window in on tmux client to another tmux client. I basically just want to move my irc client to a new window on my screen. ...

tmux: create session if none exists

I'm switching from using gnu-screen to tmux, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around changes. One thing I'd like to be able to do is start tmux and have it automatically connect to a session if one exists, and otherwise create a new session. tmux attach attaches to an automatically existing session - but errors out if no session e...

TMUX key bindings

Hi, I have a problem with TMUX key bindings. When I'm working on a terminal pane, if I press ctrl+pgup, it should scroll the screen one page up, as a normal terminal, but it doesn't. Also, while using VIM, I have mapped to do some actions, but this key combination is not called. Any TMUX expert there?. ...

tmux up-pane/down-pane missing

Hi, I'd like to rebind the action of changing the active pane in tmux. In version 1.1, I did it like this: bind-key -n C-] up-pane bind-key -n C-[ down-pane I've upgraded to to version 1.3 recently, and now I get the following error message: /home/myuser/.tmux.conf: 17: unknown command: up-pane ...