
Top & httpd - demystifying what is actually running

I often use the "top" command to see what is taking up resources. Mostly it comes up with a long list of Apache httpd processes, which is not very useful. Is there any way to see a similar list, but such that I could see which PHP scripts etc. those httpd processes are actually running? ...

Using "top" in Linux as semi-permanent instrumentation

I'm trying to find the best way to use 'top' as semi-permanent instrumentation in the development of a box running embedded Linux. (The instrumentation will be removed from the final-test and production releases.)My first pass is to simply add this to init.d:top -b -d 15 >/tmp/toploop.out &This runs top in "batch" mode every 15 seconds. ...

SubSonic Collection Top 1

Is there way in next piece of code to only get the first record? Dal.TreeHtmlExportsCollection treeHtmlExportsCollection = new Dal.TreeHtmlExportsCollection().Where(Dal.TreeHtmlExports.Columns.TreeId, treeId). OrderByDesc(Dal.TreeHtmlExports.Columns.DateCreated).Load(); ...

Network usage top/htop on Linux

Hi, is there a htop/top on Linux where I get to sort processes by network usage ? ...

Change the ruby process name in top

I would like to change the name of the ruby process that gets displayed in the linux/unix top command. I have tried the $0='miname' approach but it only works with the ps command and in top the process keeps getting displayed as "ruby" Thanks for any hints in advance. ...

How do I reconcile 'top' and 'free -m''s memory usage reporting in linux?

From free -m i can see that there is 377MB of memory used and 1649MB free on the machine(Of which 1567 is cached by ubuntu). See below for the actual output: caz@riskvm:~$ free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 2026 1975 51 0 30 1567 -/+ buffer...

A process command in top

The problem comes up when you run couple of python scripts. in top at command, it shows only 'python' with these scripts. How to rename a process or otherwise tag it so that I could tell them apart in top? ...

how to solve the problem " error: invalid use of ‘this’ at top level"?

I'm try to add multi-interface in ns2 following the paper Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2. When changing the file, I add code below: nextX_[this−>index()] prevX_[this−>index()] After making this change, I get the following error: In file included from mac/ mac/wireless-phyExt.h: At global scope:...

How to get the top record from SQL Server Compact Edition?

I've tried select top 1 * from tbl select top(1) * from tbl select * from tbl limit 1 Nothing worked. Does SQL Server Compact Edition support getting the top x rows? ...

top keyword in oracle 9i

what is the format for using top keyword in oracle 9i? i have to retreive top 10 records.. ...

PyQt - make window top level

Hello, i need to make my window top level when i need. Code of creating window: class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, None, Qt.Tool | Qt.FramelessWindowHint) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_QuitOnClose, True) And w...

Idea on beginning block rewriting for top navigation of a module in magento..

Hi, I am a beginner in magento, have searched for block rewriting in google and forums,but looking for a simple and understandable example or some idea on how to rewrite block for customizing the top navigation of a module.Thanks 4 the help.. ...

Retrieve TOP X members of each group using SQL Server 2005

I've seen this question asked a couple of times, and I've written my own query, but it's quite slow, and I would be extremely grateful if someone could offer advice on how to speed it up. In a simplified scenario, I have the following two tables: Group - GroupID (primary key) Member - MemberID (primary key) - GroupID (foreign key) L...

SQL query for Top 5 of every category

Hi there, I have a table that has three columns: Category, Timestamp and Value. What I want is a SQL select that will give me the 5 most recent values of each category. How would I go about and do that? I tried this: select a."Category", b."Timestamp", b."Value" from (select "Category" from "Table" group by "Category" order by ...

How can I do paging in Sybase without making temp table? (oracle rownum issue)

In Oracle, usually query like this for paging. SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, rownum rid FROM TABLEA WHERE rownum <= #pageend#) WHERE rid > #pagestart# However, there is no "rownum" function in Sybase DBMS. How can I do that query exactlly same in Sybase? I found some ways. use "rowcount" set rowcount 10 select * from TABLEA use iden...

Selecting "latest" row (up to a date) from a table (Sql Server 2008)

I have quite a few stored procedures following the pattern of selecting the row for which a date column is the latest up to a certain date, inclusive. I see two forms in use: select top 1 x, y, z from sometable where a=b and date <= @date order by date desc or select x, y, z from sometable where a=b and date=(select max(date) from so...

Should SQL ranking functionality be considered as "use with caution"

This question originates from a discussion on whether to use SQL ranking functionality or not in a particular case. Any common RDBMS includes some ranking functionality, i.e. it's query language has elements like TOP n ... ORDER BY key, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY key), or ORDER BY key LIMIT n (overview). They do a great job in increas...

SQL to produce Top 10 and Other

Imagine I have a table showing the sales of Acme Widgets, and where they were sold. It's fairly easy to produce a report grouping sales by country. It's fairly easy to find the top 10. But what I'd like is to show the top 10, and then have a final row saying Other. E.g., Ctry | Sales ============= GB | 100 US | 80 ES | 60 ... ...

IE6 _top links inside iframe between domains

I have a domain containing an iframe with contents from another domain. Inside this iframe are _top links. On IE6 nothing at all happens when you click them. I have prepared a minimal example of this. Please go to with IE6 to try it. Edit: this only seems to happen if security level is "high" (or may...

jQuery: Scroll to anchor when calling URL, replace browsers behaviour

Hey there, I already know the jQuery plugin ScrollTo, but I didn't find any way up to now to realize the following: The users gets to my site (by typing, NOT by clicking a link on my page) and the anchor "#foo" exists. Now I want that the browser of the user does NOT automatically scroll to "#foo", instead I wan...