
How to programmatically select popup menu item in Windows?

I have an app that I'm writing a little wizard for. It automated a small part of the app by moving the mouse to appropriate buttons, menus and clicking them so the user can watch. So far it moves the mouse to a tree item and sends a right-click. That pops up a menu via TrackPopupMenu. Next I move the mouse to the appropriate item on ...

How do I get mnemonics in TrackPopupMenu?

I have a win32/MFC application with a context menu that I build programatically: CPoint pt; GetMenuPopupPos(&pt); CAtlString csItem = _T("&Example"); CMenu menu; menu.CreatePoupMenu(); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_EXAMPLE_COMMAND, csItem); menu.TrackPopupMenuEx(TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_LEFTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, this, NULL); I've omitted the ...