
Which Triplestore for rapid semantic web development?

Ease of installation/use is the most important factor here - not performance. Small is OK as large datasets are not expected. ...

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a triplestore database?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a triplestore database, such as Mulgara? In which situations would its performance be significantly different from that of a traditional relational database? I'm thinking in particular about situations where you have data in the form namespace:predicate=value. Triplestores would seem to keep the ...

Filtering SPARQL Results

I have following example triples r1 -> property -> resourceA r1 -> property -> resourceB r1 -> property -> resourceC resourceA -> name -> word1 resourceB -> name -> word2 resourceC -> name -> word4 r2 -> property -> resourceD r2 -> property -> resourceE r2 -> property -> resourceF resourceD -> name -> word1 resourceE -> name -> word2 r...

Quick question about the RDF triple

Is it possible to use URI for the subject, predicate and object in RDF or should there be a keywork in atleast one of the triple for eg David Is it possible to have this kind of structure in an RDF file or should all the triples be in URI form. in that case can David be t...

Using F# for the semantic web implementing in memory triple stores

What is an effective means of implementing an in memory semantic web triple store using the basic .NET collection classes using F#? Are there any F# examples or projects already doing this? ...

Duplicate triple in RDF, authoritative view?

if a triple store contains twice the same triple, what is (if any exist) the authoritative position about this redundancy ? Additionally, should a triplestore be allowed to store twice the same triple within the same context ? I ask this because in rdflib apparently you can store the same triple twice (or more). This is the reader imp...

triplestore with revisions

I need to store RDF triples, while keeping track of modifications. Is there anything out there for this service? Alternatively, how would you keep track of revision while using a context-aware triplestore ? Edit: please note that I don't need only the changeset. I also need to see the triples at any time in the past. ...

RDF Triple Visualizer - ARC2

Hi there does anyone know of any good software for visualising an rdf triple store as an actual graph? I am using an arc2 triplestore and have already tried the visualizer plug in that is available from semasols site but I cant get it to work: I keep getting theis error: XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: data:image/svg+xml;b...

How can one extract rdf:about or rdf:ID properties from triples using SPARQL?

It seemed a trivial matter at the beginning but so far I have not managed to get the unique identifier for a given resource using SPARQL. What I mean is given, e.g., rdf:Description rdf:about="http://..." and then some properties identifying this resource, what I want to do is to first find this very resource and then retrieve all the tr...

Can triple stores be made scalable

Most triple stores I read about are said to be scalable to around .5 billion triples. I am interested to know if people think there is a theoretical reason to why they have to have an upper limit, and whether you know of any particular ways to make them more scalable. I am curious to know if existing triple stores do things like this: ...

.Net Triplestore?

Anyone aware of any .net triplestores out there? I know there is a lot of Java stuff, but I'm more interested in a .net version. ...

Managing transactions with AllegroGraph's Jena API

I'm uncertain as to the behaviour of the AllegroGraph triple store in regard to transactions. The tutorial talks about using two connections, but does not mention Jena models. If I use Model's begin(), commit(), and abort() methods, do I still need to use two connections? How does a model interact with the connection's auto-commit setti...