
Asychronous Programming in Python Twisted

I'm having trouble developing a reverse proxy in Twisted. It works, but it seems overly complex and convoluted. So much of it feels like voodoo... Are there any simple, solid examples of asynchronous program structure on the web or in books? A sort of best practices guide? When I complete my program I'd like to be able to still see the ...

Transferring extended ascii characters with unknown encoding to a Twisted XMLRPC from C#

Basically I want to pass a string which contains Spanish text that could be in one of several encodings (Latin-1, CP-1252, or UTF-8 to name a few). Once it gets to the XMLRPC I can detect the encoding, but I won't know it before then. C#, by default seems to be killing any characters outside of ASCII. I've gotten around the problem by...

How to package Twisted program with py2exe?

Hi, I tried to package a Twisted program with py2exe, but once I run the exe file I built, I got a "No module named resource" error. And I found the py2exe said: The following modules appear to be missing ['FCNTL', 'OpenSSL', 'email.Generator', 'email.Iterators', 'email.Utils', 'pkg_resources', 'pywintypes', 'resource', 'win32api',...

Python - How to use Conch to create a Virtual SSH server.

I'm looking at creating a server in python that I can run, and will work as an SSH server. This will then let different users login, and act as if they'd logged in normally, but only had access to one command. I want to do this so that I can have a system where I can add users to without having to create a system wide account, so that t...

Is it possible to set a timeout on a socket in Twisted?

I realize I'm probably just dumb and missing something big and important, but I can't figure out how to specify a timeout in twisted using reactor.listenUDP. My goal is to be able to specify a timeout, and after said amount of time, if DatagramProtocol.datagramReceived has not been executed, have it execute a callback or something that I...

How do you create a simple Google Talk Client using the Twisted Words Python library?

I am interested in making a Google Talk client using Python and would like to use the Twisted libraries Words module. I have looked at the examples, but they don't work with the current implementation of Google Talk. Has anybody had any luck with this? Would you mind documenting a brief tutorial? As a simple task, I'd like to create ...

How can I do synchronous rpc calls

I'm building a program that has a class used locally, but I want the same class to be used the same way over the network. This means I need to be able to make synchronous calls to any of its public methods. The class reads and writes files, so I think XML-RPC is too much overhead. I created a basic rpc client/server using the examples fr...

Twisted FTPFileListProtocol and file names with spaces

I am using Python and the Twisted framework to connect to an FTP site to perform various automated tasks. Our FTP server happens to be Pure-FTPd, if that's relevant. When connecting and calling the list method on an FTPClient, the resulting FTPFileListProtocol's files collection does not contain any directories or file names that conta...

Running a function periodically in twisted protocol

I am looking for a way to periodically send some data over all clients connected to a TCP port. I am looking at twisted python and I am aware of reactor.callLater. But how do I use it to send some data to all connected clients periodically ? The data sending logic is in Protocol class and it is instantiated by the reactor as needed. I do...

XPath in XmlStream.addObserver doesn't work the way it should

What I want to do is to react only on specified root elements. For example, if user sends XmlStream that looks like: <auth> <login>user</login> <pass>dupa.8</pass> </auth> My method ._auth should be executed. I've done it with addObserver method called inside connectionMade method. self.addObserver("/auth", self._auth) AFAI...

Good Python networking libraries for building a TCP server?

Hi all, I was just wondering what network libraries there are out there for Python for building a TCP/IP server. I know that Twisted might jump to mind but the documentation seems scarce, sloppy, and scattered to me. Also, would using Twisted even have a benefit over rolling my own server with ...

What is the practical difference between xml, json, rss and atom when interfacing with Twitter?

I'm new to web services and as an introduction I'm playing around with the Twitter API using the Twisted framework in python. I've read up on the different formats they offer, but it's still not clear to me which one I should use in my fairly simple project. Specifically the practical difference between using JSON or XML is something I'd...

Python/Twisted - Sending to a specific socket object?

I have a "manager" process on a node, and several worker processes. The manager is the actual server who holds all of the connections to the clients. The manager accepts all incoming packets and puts them into a queue, and then the worker processes pull the packets out of the queue, process them, and generate a result. They send the resu...

Python/Twisted - TCP packet fragmentation?

Hello, In Twisted when implementing the dataReceived method, there doesn't seem to be any examples which refer to packets being fragmented. In every other language this is something you manually implement, so I was just wondering if this is done for you in twisted already or what? If so, do I need to prefix my packets with a length head...

unit testing for an application server

Hi, I wrote an application server (using python & twisted) and I want to start writing some tests. But I do not want to use Twisted's Trial due to time constraints and not having time to play with it now. So here is what I have in mind: write a small test client that connects to the app server and makes the necessary requests (the commun...

Python/Twisted multiuser server - what is more efficient?

In Python, if I want my server to scale well CPU-wise, I obviously need to spawn multiple processes. I was wondering which is better (using Twisted): A) The manager process (the one who holds the actual socket connections) puts received packets into a shared queue (the one from the multiprocessing module), and worker processes pull the ...

Is there a widely used STOMP adapter for Twisted?

I checked out stomper and it didn't look complete. (I'm very new to Python) Is anybody out there using stomper in a production environment? If not, I guess I'll have to roll out my own Twisted Stomp adapter. Thanks in advance! ...

A replacement for python's httplib?

I have a python client which pushes a great deal of data through the standard library's httlib. Users are complainging that the application is slow. I suspect that this may be partly due to the HTTP client I am using. Could I improve performance by replacing httplib with something else? I've seen that twisted offers a HTTP client. It ...

How can I find memory leaks in my Python program?

I've got a fairly complex (about 20,000) line Python program which after some development has started consuming increasing amounts of memory when it runs. What are the best tools and techniques for finding out what all the memory is being used for? Usually this comes down to either unexpectedly keeping references to objects, or extensio...

With Twisted, how can 'connectionMade' fire a specific Deferred?

This is part of a larger program; I'll explain only the relevant parts. Basically, my code wants to create a new connection to a remote host. This should return a Deferred, which fires once the connection is established, so I can send something on it. I'm creating the connection with twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSSL.connectSSL....