
.NET twitter library with support of twitter entities

Hi guys, Is there any twitter library for .NET which supports twitter entities ( Best regards, Alexey Zakharov ...

Twitter API: count followers, count total retweet, and retrieve RSS feed of someone's twitter page

Hi, I am new to Twitter API and only know that we can pull someone's Twitter feed from Twitter through RSS feed on that person's Twitter page/ profile. But, how can I pull more information of that person's Twitter page? For instance, His/ Her followers. Total of his/ her retweet items. There are a couple of...

OAuth - Access Token expiration period?

Does anyone know what the expiration period of an OAuth Access Token is? ...

While working on Twitter app, do we need to store user specific Access Token/Secret to our local databse

Hi, I am working on a Twitter app. By going through the oAuth documentation and available scripts I am able to redirect the user to my callback uri and am receiving the user access object. $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET); /* Get temporary credentials. */ $request_token = $connection->getRequestToken(OAUTH_C...

Is there a way to implement twitter search?

I would like to implement twitter search, but with the use of their API. I think most of you know the search which they have on their home page. Search gives such link: ubuntu I looked in API for a possible solution, but didn't find it. Also it would be nice if the response to the request could be in X...

Twitter @anywhere Permission denied to get property Window.jQuery from <> error

I'm just trying add a twitter's tweet box but I'm getting the following error in Firefox: "Permission denied to get property Window.jQuery from" It works fine for me in Chrome. All I have on the page is the code snippet from Twitter's api tutorial which is: <div id="tbox"></div> <script type="text/javascript...

Get current user screenname from Twitter

Is there a way to get the screenname of the current logged in user? The show requires id or user_id or screen_name, but I don't have any of those. I could only think about a workaround, that would be to make a request to and get the contents of the <span id="me_name"> ...

Twitter API + OAuthConsumer.framework

Hello, I am working on a test app to help me better understand the way oAuth works with the Twitter API for a bigger app I would like to write, however I am experiencing an issue posting messages to the API after successfully getting an access token. I am using the OAuthConsumer framework as it seemed to be the easiest way to work thro...

About twitter auth

Hi, I have a question about twitter api, the scenary is this: A is user and log in a web site ( web site( ask to log into twitter (A account) A sends (twit) message A disconnect... New Day A is a user and log in ? DON'T ask anymore to log into twitter? A sends (twit) message is possible for a WB...

What is a simple way to add my Twitter Stream onto a website?

Is there an easy way to use the Twitter API to have my twitter feed on a separate blog page? I tried using the basic twitter widget, with different width & height, but the font sizes are frankly quite small and it doesn't let you edit any of it. After a bit more searching, I haven't been any closer to finding a solution. Is there an ea...

Where can I find examples of code similar to how Remember the Milk uses the Twitter API?

I'm nearly finished building a simple web application that would really benefit from integration with Twitter through its API. I think the best way to do this would be through following and direct messages similar to how RTM has chosen to interact with users through Twitter. I learn best by analyzing examples, so I would like to find s...

Twitter Search API: Determining Conversations

Twitter's REST API returns a in_reply_to_status_id value for tweet statuses, yet the Search API does not. What puzzles me is, if you search using the webpage directly, tweets that are in reply to another tweet contain a "Show Conversation" link, but when searching using the API directly, there doesn't seem to ...

My iPad App Will Include a Twitter Widget. Will Apple or Twitter Have Issues With This Usage?

For the iPad imaging app I am writing I have include the ability to email a friend or send a Twitter tweet for world-of-mouth marketing. Here is what my Twitter widget currently looks like: Am I asking for trouble by using the Twitter logo in this manner? Will this send up a red flag in the Apple app approval process? Thanks, Doug ...

is there any demo app available for iPhone+MGTwitterEngine for twitter integration ?

Hi I want to use twitter with my app. is there any demo app available for iPhone+MGTwitterEngine? ...

Getting HTTP 400 on randome times on hitting url to get Twitter followers/friends - java

I am developing an application on Twitter. And Twitter is giving me response of 400 on random times. I am in panic. Their servers are too bad to entertain requests. I am hitting their REST URL to get followers with cursor. Some times I get first 100 followers and on second cursor iteration I got HTTP 400. Only one attempt gave me my 3...

Can't connect to Twitter API in AS3

I'm trying to connect to the Twitter API via an AS3 app, but I keep getting Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: When I try URLRequest("") it at least loads something and calls my Event.COMPLETE listener. Can Flash just not connect to the Twitter API without a third-pa...

De-authorizing a twitter OAuth application

We just finished implementing OAuth in our RoR application using the Twitter gem. The whole authentication process works perfectly and we are able to persist access tokens. We're wondering if there's a way for our de-authorize our access to twitter via our website. I realize we could just destroy the persisted token, but I'd also like to...

Exchange a request token for an access token with Twitter API using PHP

I am new to OAuth, and am struggling to exchange a request token for an access token with the Twitter API using PHP. I am using OAuth - Consumer and Server library for PHP from I successfully get a request token and store the token and secret in a cookie: $options = array('consumer_key' => $this->ke...

Twitter API Request Limit Problem

I've written a small java program to download all friends' and followers' profile pictures from twitter. But i'm getting an error because only 150 requests per hour per IP address is allowed. the exact error is: twitter4j.TwitterException: 400:The request was invalid. An accompanying error message will explain why. This is the status...

Twitter API/Query to search in user profiles?

Is there some way I can search in the profiles of users on Twitter? e.g. User A has mentioned that he is "security, hacking geek" and his website is Now i want to search in 2 ways: Search for "security" or "hacking" in user profiles and all users including A who have the word security in their profiles will be retur...