
Aligning UIToolBar items?

I have three UIBarButtonItem created as below. They align left and I'd like to align center so there isn't a gap on the right side. I don't see an align property on UIToolBar. Is there another way to accomplish this? //create some buttons UIBarButtonItem *aboutButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"About" style:UIBarButton...

Resizing UITableView on RootController

Is it possible to resize the UITableView on the RootController of a nav based app? When RootViewController.xib is opened in IB, there isn't a view. Just the UITableView. Clicking the inspector and then the little yellow ruler, frame height is grayed out. I'm adding a toolbar programmatically to the RootViewController: [toolbar setFr...

UIToolbar and other views...

I know how to add a UIToolbar, which I'm doing in rootviewcontroller.m: [self.navigationController.view addSubview:toolbar]; However, when I navigate to other views, the toolbar stays up, which is ok, but how do I access it to hide/show it? Inside rootviewcontroller I would use this: toolbar.hidden = NO; But I can't seem to find a...

How do I get the UIToolbar font to match UINavigation Controller?

Using the following post, I was able to add a UILabel to a UIToolbar, however, it looks crappy. Anyone know how to get the text size / color / shadow to match the title for a UINavigationController? Navigation Controller UIToolbar with UILabel What steps do I need to take to make them match? ...

iPhone - UIToolbar disappears in previous view on popping

Hi I am using a navbar and toolbar in my application. One of the screens uses transparent toolbar and navbar which show when the user taps the screen. Everything works great except when I do a popViewController from this view controller. The toolbar in my previous vc is no longer visible (I can see it if only for a second when the vc i...

UIToolBar - How to Handle Button-Overflow?

I have a view with a toolbar - each button on the toolbar represents a new message the user is composing. It took me several work days to figure out how to handle the view switching, etc.. but now that I have that all figured out, I have run into a bit of a UI-snafu. When I have over 11 buttons (I know, a user should really SEND the fir...

iPhone UISegmentedControl button states on black UIToolbar

I have a UISegmentedControl on a black UIToolbar. I have set the style to Bar and set the background color to clear (also tried black). I have tried setting the tintColor clear (also tried black). My buttons turn black to match the black UIToolbar. However, the buttons no longer indicate a clicked state like they do when the UISegmen...

How to present a modal view controller with fixed UIToolbar?

I am trying to set up a Modal View Controller, that that lies below a fixed toolbar. therefore the toolbar is supposed to stay on top while the modal view rolls in. the Safari-App does that for example, when hitting the bookmarks-button. the toolbar stays, the buttons change.. I tried a couple of things like pushing the toolbar to the ...

How to programmatically replace UIToolBar items built in IB

I have a toolbar with various image buttons, created in Interface Builder. I'd like to be able to programmatically replace one of the buttons with an activity indicator when pressed, and then put back the original button but change its color from white to yellow when the activity completes. Is this possible with an IB built toolbar or ...

Shadow effect for UISegmentedControl?

I am using a UISegmentedControl with images that is in a UIBarButtonItem, which is itself in a UIToolbar. If I use an image for a "normal" UIBarButtonItem, a nice shadow effect is automatically applied. However, the same does not automatically apply to images in UISegmentedControl's that belong to UIBarButtonItem's. I was thinking of ...

IPhone UIToolBar UiBarButtonItem Transition problem

Hi, i have a UIView with a UIToolBar with a button "Back" when i start a transition(UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft) from a UiView to this view the button appears only at the end of the transition Why ? Pls Help me Thanks Code: [UIView beginAnimations:@"View Flip" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.90]; [UIView setAni...

iPhone Dev - UIToolbar goes in window or view?

Should I put the UIToolbar right in the window at the bottom, and then put the view above it (so the view doesn't continue underneath the toolbar), or should I just make the view cover the whole window and then add the toolbar as a subview to the view? So my question is, should the toolbar be a subview of the view or the window? - the w...

How do I remove spaces in UIToolbar between custom views?

I'm trying to create a UIToolbar with 5 buttons using custom images. The way I'm doing this is by creating buttons of type UIButtonTypeCustom, then creating UIBarButtonItems from these, then adding these to the toolbar with setItems:animated:. However, this adds spaces between the images which cause the 5th image to end up half off the r...

hiding or adding a UIBarbuttonitem in tableview

Hello all , I have a question concerning hiding ,removing or adding a UIBarbuttonItem on UIToolbar. I have a UIToolbar and two items. I wish to hide an item on the toolbar and when I enter for example third UITableview it will appear. I've put this code in my viewDidload instruct = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:[UII...

Replace UINavigation with UIToolbar?

I've built a Navigation-based app, but now that I'm knee-deep in the code, I've decided it would actually be best to have just a UIToolbar instead (only need modal views, not drill-downs). But extricating the Navigation stuff and replacing it with a Toolbar is causing me all sorts of grief... Has anyone ever done this, and maybe has a p...

Setting Toolbar Items of UINavigationController

In iPhone OS 3.0, you can set the toolbar items of a UINavigationController using the setToolbarItems:animated: method. However, this requires you pass in an array of UIToolbarItems. While I could programmatically create these toolbar items, I'd rather create them in Interface Builder if possible. With this in mind, I have created a UIT...

UIToolbar items not showing

I have a UINavigationController that gets pushed a DetailsViewController. In this DetailsViewController, I want to use the toolbar that comes with every UINavigationController (atleast, since iPhone OS3.0). So, in viewDidLoad in my DetailsViewController I create a UIBarButtonItem, I add it to an array and hand it off to the navigation ...

uitoolbar location changes according to different iPhone SDKs

Hi all, I have a UIToolbar at the bottom of the view. when I run the application using iPhone Simulator 2.2.1, the toolbar is displayed in place. But when I run the application using iPhone Simulator 3.0 the toolbar is shifted up from its place. Is there any way I can fix this ? I would appreciate any help. Thanks, Sarah ...

Which UI element for day-switching bar?

In the Calendar app on the iPhone, when displaying a day, you can switch to the next an previous day with a gray bar at the top. My question is: which interface element would you use for that? UIToolbar, UITabbar or a UINavigationBar? UINavigationBar provides pretty much what I need: the possibility to add a button at the left and at t...

Adding UIToolbar to window

I have a navigation based application which I'm trying to add a unique UIToolbar that will be persistent no matter which is the current view, using this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1072080/persistent-uibarbuttonitem-in-uitoolbar The problem is my when I set the frame for the navigationController, the UITableView inside the navi...