
C# Progressbar is not updated accurately in Vista or Windows7

public partial class Form1 : Form { //.... private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.progressBar1.Value >= 100) { this.timer1.Stop(); this.timer1.Enabled = false; } else { this.progressBar1.Value += 10; this.label1.Text = Convert.ToString(this.progre...

Why doesnt the AsyncCallback update my gridview?

Hi all, I started working with delegates last week and i am trying to update my gridview async on the background. All goes well, no errors or such but i dont get a result after my EndInvoke. does anyone know what i am doing wrong? Here is a code snippet: public delegate string WebServiceDelegate(DataKey key); protected void b...

Updating an application OTA

I'm developing an application that will be available from a website (market probably as well). The problem I'm having at the moment is how to handle the updates to the app. I know how to check the version against the current one and I know if I need to update it. Question is...how? Is there a way I can download an APK from the website a...

subqueries in UPDATE SET (sql server 2005)

I have a question about using subqueries in an Update statement. My example: UPDATE TRIPS SET locations = city + ', ' FROM (select Distinct city from poi where poi.trip_guid = trips.guid) Is it possible to refer to main table value (trips.guid) in sub...

bulk insert and update with ADO.NET Entity Framework

I am writing a small application that does a lot of feed processing. I want to use LINQ EF for this as speed is not an issue, it is a single user app and, in the end, will only be used once a month. My questions revolves around the best way to do bulk inserts using LINQ EF. After parsing the incoming data stream I end up with a List o...

C# StripStatusText Update Issue

I am here due to a strange behaviour in Button_Click event. The code is attached. The issue is the first StripStatus message is never displayed. any ideas as to why? private void FireBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Control local controls for launching attack AwayTableLayoutPanel.Enabled = false; ...

Problem with updating multiple rows which are in conflict with unique index

I am using Microsoft SQL Server and I have a master-detail scenario where I need to store the order of details. So in the Detail table I have ID, MasterID, Position and some other columns. There is also a unique index on MasterID and Position. It works OK except one case: when I have some existing details and I change their order. For ex...

mysql update too slow when joining multiple tables

Hi, I have two tables. they looks like as follows: Id (int) Tags char(128). the column Tags in table A does not have value. It is empty. The column Tags in table B has value. What I want to copy the Tags in table B to corresponding place of table A. the mapping is based on Id. My sql query is: update A INNER JOIN B set A.Tags = B...

Can you check for app update within your app?

Is it possible to check for an app update within your app, such that when an update is available, your app will prompt the user to download the update on startup? ...

python - tkinter - update label from variable

I wrote a python script that does some stuff to generate and then keep changing some text stored as a string variable. This works, and I can print the string each time it gets changed. Problems have arisen while trying to display that output in a GUI (just as a basic label) using tkinter. I can get the label to display the string for t...

sql-server: Can I update two table with Single Query?

How can I write single UPDATE query to change value of COL1 to ‘X’ if COL2 < 10 otherwise change it to ‘Y’, where the following two tables are linked by ID CREATE TABLE TEMP(ID TINYINT, COL1 CHAR(1)) INSERT INTO TEMP(ID,COL1) VALUES (1,'A') INSERT INTO TEMP(ID,COL1) VALUES (2,'B') INSERT INTO TEMP(ID,COL1) VALUES (11,'A') INSERT INTO TE...

Linq sql Attach, Update Check set to Never, but still Concurrency conflicts

In the dbml designer I've set Update Check to Never on all properties. But i still get an exception when doing Attach: "An attempt has been made to Attach or Add an entity that is not new, perhaps having been loaded from another DataContext. This is not supported." This approach seems to have worked for others on here, but there must be ...

Java: Value updates when it shouldn't

Basically I'm trying to create an implementation of simulated annealing for the multidimensional knapsack problem. I'm having a problem getting the system to decide whether or not to accept a state with a lower value. The annealing is controlled with this function: while (this.temp > 0) { System.out.println("Temperature: "+t...

inserting data into mysql

Hi Guys, My insert and update pages (through my admin forlder) into mysql stopped working. When I try to insert/update details it stays on the same page without adding or updating anything into the database table. I really don't know what happened and don't know where start looking. I didn't make any change to the pages whatsoever. Is...

What is the problem with the logic in my UPDATE statement?

Hello, I would appreciate some help with an UPDATE statement. I want to update tblOrderHead with the content from tblCustomer where the intDocumentNo corresponds to the parameter @intDocumentNo. But when I run the my statement, the order table is only updated with the content from the first row of the customer table. What is the probl...

Releasing WinForm Program Updates

Hello, Another quick question. I'd like to release some updates for a WinForm program, but to date I have simply released an all-new compile. People have to un-install the old version and install the new version. EDIT: I'm using an auto-generated InstalWizard. It preserves my file strucutre and places the [PrimaryProgramOutput] in ...

Does Windows Installer provide a method to update applications?

Does Windows installer provide a built-in method for updating applications, or do I have to write this myself in my application code? For example, ClickOnce can automatically update my application for me; I do not have to write code specifically for this in my application. Is similar functionality available in Windows Installer or is it...

Subsonic 3.0 UPDATE, multiple conditions

db.Update<Luna.Record.TB_ITEM>().Set( x => x.ITEM_DURABILITY == Convert.ToInt32(quantity)) .Where(x => x.ITEM_POSITION == Convert.ToInt32(position)) .Execute(); How will I add an AND clause this is how it looks like in plain SQL: UPDATE TB_ITEM SET ITEM_DURABITLITY=@quantity WHERE ...

Update one-to-many EntityKey using Foreign Key

To use by the easiest way Entity Framework, I use partial class to add Foreign Key on most important Entities Model. For example, I have an Entity "CONTACT" which have "TITLE", "FUNCTION" and others. When I update a CONTACT, with this code, Foreign Key are automatically updated : public int? TitId { get { if (this.TITLE...

Ruby: intelligent patch/update

Hi, After being blown away by the greatness of irb and rails console, I am loving the dynamical parts of the language more and more. Now, I wonder if it would be possible for a Ruby application to update itself on-the-fly (if the write permission allows it). Can a Ruby application fetch an update and refresh itself? I have seen this fun...