
Update multiple columns in multiple rows in one sql statement?

This pseduocode (inaccurate SQl) shows what I want to do. update tableA (colA, colB, colC, colD) select b.colA, b.colB, c.colC, c.colD from tableB b left outer join tableC c on b.id = c.id inner join tableA a on c.myNum = a.myNum inner join tableD on a.newId = f.newId where f.imported = 1 How can...

RSS feeds, data updating

Hi there, Regarding RSS feeds, do i need to have a webpage to have this? is there a way i can just upload data for the RSS? what i found is usually rss is from a webpage. hm.. say i just one a server or something similar to send data to me, is RSS the best method or easily method? the data will be some word string and picture in .png ...

Android - how to update LIstView item that is currently displayed

I have list of items ion my activity which I load dynamically, item after item. Initially I load "lightweight" version and when processing is done I want to update the item with new information. Like set some text or replace an image. That means I need to update what ListView item is displaying after Adapter#getView already returns. Of ...

How to edit remote files on an Apache server with Android application.

I need my app to be able to go to a specified URL and access a file, then insert text at a specific line of said file. Is this at all possible? I greatly appreciate your help and responses, Thanks. ...

How to maintain data in an SQLite Database on an iPhone at a version update of the application?

Hello. I have an SQLite database in the first version of my iPhone application (which is on the app store). Now I want to roll out the second version of the application, which also has an SQLite db in it. I understood that upon update, the SQLite database is removed and then the new one is added. I don't want this to happen, since that...

SQL update query

Say I wanted to perform an update in a database that held information on for example cars in a table by that same name. The update I am looking to perform consists in changing the designation in the table in model from "Ford" to "Ford-" i.e. only changing where the designatin is "Ford" and not in those that already have a model design...

Magento: set config values of just created website?

I'm programmtically creating websites/users etc ... Here's the problem: When creating a website, I can't immediatly set the config values afterwards. Code: <?php /* Website information */ $website_data = array( 'name' => 'Company name', 'code' => 'website_company_1', 'sort_order' => '1', ...

facebook status update api

Hi all, Once you update the status to FB is it possible to retrieve the comments or replies to the status updates from the user? I am a newbie to using social media api's so please bear if it seems silly. Thanks ...

Why won't this variable update?

In the document.ready() I have: $('#menu_indicator').append('<p>' + currPage + ' / ' + pageLimit + '</p>'); pageLimit is always one number that does not change throughout the whole code. I have it so that when a user clicks a button, it changes currPage to a different number. (this part is not in document.ready();) Why doesn't it up...

How to use JDO(DataNucleus) to Update & Delete data?

Hey! I've set up a small project using apache.JDO /w DataNucleus. I can save data w/o any problems, but I got stuck when trying to update or delete them. The scenario is the following: I create an object & persist it, it gets and id @PrimaryKey @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY) private...

How to update or reset a UIView with a custom subview?

Hey everyone, I have a UIView in a UIViewController to which I add a custom subview in the viewDidAppear method. MyView *myView = [[MyView alloc] initWithLabelText:text]; [self.view addSubview:myView]; [myView release]; The text variable is a string used on a label in myView. This text changes every time you come back to the current ...

LINQ to Entities Update Query

I'm trying to do a simple update but I cannae for the life of me work out what I am doing wrong. I have the following code which currently is not working - I'm getting not all code paths return a value. public List<tblWeight> UpdateFeedback(string memberid, string locationid, int prikey, string feedback) { MyEntities updatefee...

Linq to Entity update Query Part II

Ok, got my query going, up and running but it doesn't appear that I have got it working correctly!! My query is as follows: MyEnt updatefeedback = new MyEnt(); tblWeight newfeedback = ( from weight in updatefeedback.tblWeights where weight.MemberId == memberid where weight.LocationId == locationid where weight.PriKey =...

SharePoint PublishingWeb change under elevated security context fails, why?

I'm having trouble updating a SharePoint publishingWeb attribute under RunWithElevatedPrivileges. it fails with the exception "The security validation for this page is invalid" at this line : "pubWeb.IncludeInCurrentNavigation = false;". Below is the code i'm trying to run. Normally you can set AllowUnsafeUpdates = true, but publishingWe...

Save Update attempts in temp table in Update Trigger

The query is - how to Save Update attempts in temp table in Update Trigger ...

update list in application when service works

So i have a service that creates letters and puts them in a database (sql-server). I also have an application (c#,wpf) where there's a list with letters(from the database) How can i trigger an event in the application if a new letter is made? (so that the list should be updated) Anyone who knows how to do this? Thanks ...

Dataset update issue

Hi! I load a table from the db in a datatable belonging to a dataset. This db table has some constaints, so not any data can be inserted in it. but if i add some invalid data within the datatable, when i do the "dataset.update()" operation an exception will be thrown, and any valid data inserted after in invalid rows will be lost. Is t...

MySQL UPDATE - Selective update

First up, apologies for the awful title I couldn't think of a better way to articulate my issue. (Feel free to suggest better altnernatives) Basically I have a table with a "count" column. I want to reset all counts to zero except for the 10 rows with the top values. I want them to be reset to 0. How do I achieve this without writing ...

Transfer column data from one database to another

Hello, I'm trying to transfer an entire column's worth of data from the backup database to the current production database (earlier in the day I had ruined this column in production with a bad update). I am using MS SQL Server 2005. In this example, I am trying to restore 'Column1' from DB2.Table1 into DB1.Table1: begin transaction ...

Receiving Error message when performing Update Statement

Receiving Error message when performing Update Statement, but database is being updated. Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1' at line 1 Issue with function update() function update($pUInput) { $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE tb...