
Doesn't ASP.Net MVC Differentiate URLs on number of arguments?

Somehow I had the impression that ASP.Net differentiates URLs based on the number of arguments too. But it doesn't seem to work in my project. Consider the following function prototypes public PartialViewResult GetMorePosts(string param1, string param2, string param3, int param4, int param5) AND public PartialViewResult GetMorePosts(st...

how to use url routing in asp.net 4.0

how i can use url routing in asp.net 4.0 . how it is possible in asp.net 4.0 ; are you provide some demo code , sample project for it ...

URL Mod-Rewrite

Hello, I currently have a working URL: http://example.com/security-services.php?service=fixed-camera-surveillance and then I have PHP say, $_REQUEST['service'] to do some stuff... But I'd like to achieve the same function if the URL looked like this: http://example.com/security-services/fixed-camera-surveillance Thanks! ...

asp.net mvc optional parameter

I am trying here to kinda merge 2 routes in 1 with asp.net mvc These routes are : http://www.example.com/e/1 and http://www.example.com/e/1,name-of-the-stuff Currently it is set as this in the Global.asax.cs : routes.MapRoute( "EventWithName", "e/{id},{name}", new { controller = "Event", action = "SingleEvent...

Domains & Foreward Slash

Hi, This is rather difficult to explain so please bear with me. We will be hosting 4 websites on our server and the plan is to have each site sit under its own domain: site-a.com site-b.com sub1.site-b.com sub2.site-b.com Notice the two sub domains! However, our client has asked if we can implement the following url structure inst...

Django Filtering Problem

I'm trying to set up a filter query in one of my views...basically my code looks as below: def inventory(request): vehicle = Vehicle.objects.all().exclude(status__status='Incoming').order_by('common_vehicle__series__model__manufacturer__manufacturer', 'common_vehicle__series__model__model', 'common_vehicle__year') year_count =...

Removing white space of urls with - in cakephp routing?

I have a URL like http://abc.com/users/index/University of Kansas and i want to make it University-of-Kansas. How is it possible via mysql using Cakephp ??? ...

Code Igniter url routing question (using trailing slashes)

I am brand new to codeIgniter. I am very particular about urls on the sites that I develop. Is it possible to create these sorts of urls? Generally sites I develop have an integrated admin interface as well with new, edit or delete added onto the end of the url following a slash. Here are some hypothetical examples (one with an admin ...

CodeIgniter Routing / Htaccess / URI issues

Hi all, I recently joined a team of devs and I'm trying to get an SVN checked out onto my local machine. Unfortunately, I've run into some issues with links and routing. My local machine is using a WAMP setup. Let's say I have in my controller: function testfunc()($this->load->view('testfunc'); and in my testview view I have ...

ASP.NET Friendly URLs

In my research, I found 2 ways to do them. Both required modifications to the Application_BeginRequest procedure in the Global.Asax, where you would run your code to do the actual URL mapping (mine was with a database view that contained all the friendly URLs and their mapped 'real' URLs). Now the trick is to get your requests run throu...

Trouble redirecting string[]

I have a form that posts several like named elements to an action like so: <%= Html.TextBox("foo") %> <%= Html.TextBox("foo") %> <%= Html.TextBox("foo") %> posts to and returns: public ActionResult GetValues(string[] foo) { //code return RedirectToAction("Results", new { foo = foo }) } the "Results" action then looks like ...

Django - links generated with {% url %} - how to make them secure?

If I want to give an option for users to log in to a website using https:// instead of http://, I'd best to give them an option to get there in my view or template. I'd like to have the link "Use secure connection" on my login page - but then, how do I do it without hardcoding the URL? I'd like to be able to just do: {% url login_pa...

Zend Framework: How to disable default routing?

Hi All, I've spent many hours trying to get this to work. And I'm getting quite desperate. Would be great if someone out there could help me out :) Currently using Zend Framework 1.9.5, though I have been struggling to get this to work for many versions now. What I want to do is provide my own routes through an XML config, and make su...

URL_Rewriting with ISAPI_rewrite

I have a problem in ISAPI_rewrite 3. a have a url like www.example.com/web/index.html?ag=2154 What I want is, when the user writes this address it should be converted to agent's subdomain like www.2154.example.com/web/index.html?ag=2154 Thanks in advance ...

ASP.NET URL Routing on root in IIS 6.0

Hi All, I enabled a routing on ASP.NET web application running IIS 6.0 using RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("Simple", "{testvalue}", "~/Test.aspx"); in Global.aspx.cs This works fine when I use http://www.MyDomain.com/Hello, however when I use http://subdomain.mydomain.com instead of loading the configured default page (default.aspx),...

Faking method attributes in PHP?

Is it possible to use the equivalent for .NET method attributes in PHP, or in some way simulate these? Context We have an in-house URL routing class that we like a lot. The way it works today is that we first have to register all the routes with a central route manager, like so: $oRouteManager->RegisterRoute('admin/test/', array('CAdm...

How do you pass a POST method in a url manually?

I need to give an external payment site a return url to my site after a customer pays. It will be to my create action in a RESTful subscription controller. Ive tried giving the payment site this blah.com/users/7/subscription/?_method=POST but on return my app keeps trying to call my show action presumably because it thinks its a get ...

Internationalization and Search Engine Optimization

I'd like to internationalize my site such that it's accessible in many languages. The language setting will be detected in the request data automatically, and can be overridden in the user's settings / stored in the session. My question pertains to how I should display the various versions of the same page based upon language in terms ...

Is there a such thing as a routing pattern for websites?

I didn't find any info on searches when I looked this up. I've been doing a lot of research on design patterns but I haven't seen anything as far as routing goes. What I mean is this: back in my php days I would write code on one page and then pass it to the next. That created (though I wasn't aware of it at the time) tightly coupled cod...

MVC Custom Routing

I'm new to MVC. I'm having trouble trying to accomplish having a route setup in the following manner: System/{systemName}/{action} Where systemName is dynamic and does not have a "static" method that it calls. i.e. http://sitename.com/Systems/LivingRoom/View I want the above URL to call a method such as, public void RouteSystem(str...