
What is the best way to detect user inactivity in a Silverlight app?

Does anyone know of an efficient way to detect user inactivity in a Silverlight App. The idea is that everytime a user interacts with the app in any way a timer would reload. When it expires, a "continue working.." dialog would be displays for a period and the the page would redirect to /Logout. The rub is detecting inactivity. Tho...

How to detect inactive user

How to detect inactive (idle) user in Windows application? I'd like to shutdown application when there hasn't been any input (keyboard, mouse) from user for certain period of time. ...

User Inactivity Logout PHP

I want my users to be logged out automatically after X minutes of inactivity. I also want to have all sessions destroyed. How can this be done? How can I check for inactivity then perform a function to log them out??? ...

How to detect user inactivity in Qt?

How can I detect user inactivity in a Qt QMainWindow? My idea so far is to have a QTimer that increments a counter, which, if a certain value is passed, locks the application. Any mouse or key interaction should set the timer back to 0. However I need to know how to properly handle input events which reset; I can re-implement: virtual v...

How do I fade out 1 div and fade in 2 divs, then after 10 seconds of inactivity, fade in the 1st div again, and fade the 2 divs out?

This is my code currently: $(function() { $('#header_left').click(function(){ $('#header_left_info').fadeOut('fast'); $('#header_left').fadeOut('fast'); $('#header_left_back').delay(250).fadeIn('fast'); }); }); (the 250 millisecond delay is so that the fades don't conflict)...