
TextBox Validation in VB.NET and Windows Forms

I'm using the following code to validate the text entered by user. It works perfectly fine. But I want to add the backspace feature so as to allow the user to delete the wrongly entered number. I have tried a couple of things and they worked but before last digit (after the decimal point) i.e. it does not allows to delete after the numb...

Sending Multi-threaded SendEmail request returns General Mapi Failure

Hi, I'm using the MAPI code by Dave Brooks. I am attempting to programatically send out a Crystal Report that is generated. When I run through the code without threading everything runs fine. The problem is when I use threading I get the return error "General MAPI failure [2]". I have never used threading before and understand that t...

What are causes for Error 372 - Failed to Load Control Your version of <control.ocx> may be outdated.

What are known causes for VB6 run-time Error 372 - Failed to Load Control Your version of may be outdated. I have a activceX control built from several standard windows controls and a Far Point. The control is used in a VB6 desktop application. The behavior I am seeing is that this active control fails occasionally on some workstatio...

Need help with converting characters to ASCII code in VB code

Need help with reading special characters within my VB code. ASCII code Char(34) = " works fine but Char(60) = < and Char(62) = > are not being read. My Code node.FirstChild.InnerText = Chr(60) & "httpRuntime executionTimeout=" & Chr(34) & "999999" & Chr(34) & " maxRequestLength=" & Chr(34) & "2097151" & Chr(34) & "/" & Chr(62) With...

How do I determine if an XmlNode has a specific attribute?

I would like to place an if condition within the sub that will tell it to run when the xml node STORE with attribute TEST="test.doc" does not exist. Any suggestions would be great. I'm new to vb. Sub InsertNode(ByVal doc As XmlDocument) Dim City As XmlNode = doc.DocumentElement Dim Location As XmlElement = doc.CreateElemen...

vb6 changing colors of SSTab at runtime using label in the background

Hi, I am trying to update an old VB6 application. I am struggling with changing the backcolor of the SSTab control at runtime. I know that I cannot just set the Backcolor to the required colour. At designtime I have created a label on each tab and then resized the label to the sstab dimensions. Then I set the label backcolor. This ...

DateTime in Calendar Extender

Hi guys, I am using calendarextender control in asp.net.It displays only date ,not time.But while inserting to database ,time is inserted automatically.But while retrieving the data from database using date in where condition ,no correponding records displays.What modification in storedprocedure i can do to resolve this problem. ...

How can I detect the Click Event of a linkbutton in a gridview?

I have a linkbutton in a column of a Gridview. When the user clicks the linkbutton, I have to redirect to another page. Can anyone give appropriate code to accomplish this? ...

RunTimeError in ASP.Net

I am doing .net application which is in vb.I am getting an runtime error when running in Internet Explorer,but its running in mozilla. Error as following Error:SysArgumentTypeException:Object of type 'AjaxControlToolKit.Animation.Length Animation' cannot be converted to type ;AjaxControlToolKit.Animation'.Parameter Instance...

Best programming language to learn for a beginner VB programmer?

What is the best programming language to learn if one's only previous background is in beginning vb, but no intermediate or advanced vb is available? ...

How do you create an Excel worksheet through VB6 without the Excel Object?

I was recently put in charge of updating a VB6 data collection app, to add the ability to generate Excel reports and print them through the app (both have to be done on same computer). Normally this wouldn't be an issue, I've generated Excel reports with VB6 before using the Excel Object. So I went ahead and coded together the changes a...

image colors in pdf files in vb.net

I'm creating a program to generate PDF files in VB.Net. Everything is working fine except that the image is being displayed with a blue background while the image provided doesn't have any. Following are the lines of code being used: sColor = IIf(mvarEncodeASCII85, ToASCII85(ImgColor), (System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetSt...

Can a page raise an event that the user control can handle?

I have done this the other way many times as it makes sense (the page knows about the control as it has been added to the page and can handle the 'child' event) Is it possible to do it the other way? I think not as the control doesn't know what page it is going to be on The reason i ask this is that I have a modal popup on the page to...

Crystal Report Refresh

I am using crystal reports in my project(Frontend:Visual Basic and Backend:SQL).In my project i have to mail the crystal report(which is a Request for Quotation Report) to vendors which i attach as a .rpt file and send it through Microsoft Outlook.The problem is that once i send a saved .rpt file to a vendor say ABC,the .rpt file which i...

How to check if the input string is a valid VB string?

We know that VB string start and end with double quotes " " So we have to use "" if we want " in VB string. I wonder if there is a regular expression pattern which will match VB string?. Thanks. ...

Variables in Visual Basic

What's the main problem if I don't declare the type of a variable? Like, Dim var1 versus Dim var1 as Integer. It can be anything so it should be good! ...

SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault in .NET Class Library containing a form

Hi I have a .net class library with a com class that calls a form. I want to to SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false) to ensure the form fonts look nice. If I run the command in the class constructor I get the following error: SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault must be called before the first IWin32Window object is created in the app...

How to load html and js files in the same directory, modifier some strings, and save them in vb2005

Hi guys. I would like to know if it's possible to do these things as above in the title. The files will be in the same directory. I have tried: Dim htmlDoc As New System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument But I get the error: the type has no constructor. In fact, all I want to do is change a parameter in js function: xmlDoc.load("a.x...

Your favorite Visual Basic 6 tools and tips

This is somewhat related to a similar post, but that post was Visual Studio 6 in general and a lot of the suggestions didn't apply to VB6. Suggest or vote for tools/tips. Please one tool/tip per post so that everyone can vote on them individually. Include a brief description of what the tools do. ...

Index of x Recurring Character

The following code is supposed to show in a message box the index of the third a in the string checkme, but when I run the program it doesn't give me the right answer (should be 12, instead I get 9). What am I doing wrong and how would I go about making it work? Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System....