
headless internet browser?

I would like to do the following. Log into a website, click a couple of specific links, then click a download link. I'd like to run this as either a scheduled task on windows or cron job on Linux. I'm not picky about the language I use, but I'd like this to run with out putting a browser window up on the screen if possible. ...

Are there any .NET web automation frameworks that support headless test execution?

Similar to htmlunit, but for use with C#. I've seen that you can use htmlunit with .NET via IKVM, but I'd like a native solution if at all possible. The aim is to add UI tests to our existing (xUnit.net) tests being run on the CI server. I'd like to be able to run UI tests in memory (since I don't want to be opening browser instances on...

Execute javascript trough Internet Explorer's com interface using PowerShell

I am writing some Internet Explorer automation scripts using PowerShell. Here is how I start the IE com object: $ie = New-Object -com "InternetExplorer.Application" $ie.Navigate("about:blank") $ie.visible = $true $doc = $ie.Document So, what I would like to do is to execute some javascript on the $doc object. For example, I have an i...

Web Automation Using MSHTML

We want to automate a web application which is developed in asp.net. For automating this site we are planning to use the MSHTML. But before finalizing MSHTML I would like to know if there are any known limitations of MSHTML or please share list of controls which we may not be able to automate using MSHTML. Please share your experiences ...

Execution time benchmarks for web automation

Are there any automation execution time related industry standards/benchmarks are available for performing different actions on web page. Like through automation; how much time can be considered as acceptable time for setting value to text box (like 1 sec for 20characters) or what range of time will be considered as acceptable for click...

Bird's eye data visualisation in WPF and web client automation

This is a complex problem and it deserves a long explanation. Let's say that I have a picture of a high level workflow/sitemap of a web site: http://home.everestkc.net/radoslav/Question/High_Level_Workflow.png Basically there is a main flow and some alternative paths with various number of pages/images in each case. In essence I want ...

How can I display an HtmlPage object (from HtmlUnit) to be opened in a real browser ?

I am using Htmlunit (browser automation/testing tool) to go through a series of links or perform a set of actions on a page. At some point after this I want to see the resulting page in a browser (internet explorer or firefox etc.) How can I do this. ? Thank you Friends... ...

blacklist test requests from google analytics using watir

Hi, I have to automate tests for a web application which runs google analytics script. I have chosen watir for the automation since I can script all the test cases with the same. The only problem is i dont know how to remove my test requests to the web apps from the google analytics report. Can anyone help me with the same? Is it possi...

Automating Web Access and Watir

I'm building a Ruby program that uses several other programs, and while most of them are programs I can download and run on this computer, one has to be accessed and run through a web browser. I actually have two questions: I've found Watir which looks like a good web automation tool, but it's meant for testing. Is it still okay to use ...

Is there a good web automator/tester for flash?

Hi- I've been looking around for a good web automator (something that can simulate a real web user's experience) for Flash, but none seem to exist. Does anyone know of a good web automator or tester for Flash? ...

web automation from perl

Hi, I am looking for a web page automation tool in Perl. I want to be able to drive different browsers like IE, firefox etc from my test script. I have to automate a product web page with lots of input fields and loads of javascript. I do not want a custom browser like mechanize does. I used to work with Ruby before and there I used W...

How do I post my user name and password to a web page?

I want to post my user and password with Perl to a website. The source of the login page is: <div class="top">Sign In</div> <div class="row"><label for="username">Username:</label></div> <div class="row"><div id="login:usernameContainer"> <input id="login:usernameContainer:username" type="text" name="login:userna...

Python, mechanize, proper syntax for setting multiple headers?

I can't seem to find how to do this anywere, I am trying to set multiple headers with python's mechanize module, such as: br.addheaders = [('user-agent', ' Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100423 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.3')] br.addheaders = [('accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xm...

Python Mechanize, setting proxy for mech browser? This way isn't working

I'm trying to use a proxy with Python's mechanize automated browser library but it doesn't seem to be working. I am trying the following and checking the output and its not getting the page. I have made sure I am testing with proxies that work as I test the proxy manually in my browser first. Any advice on proper syntax is appreciated as...

web automation - auto check link

I'm new to web app and I want to check when there's a new version of dota map, I'll check links in getdota.com. How can I do this and which language, I want it checks every time you start warcraft, and auto download new map to specific folder. My question is : Can you give a link to a specific article about web automation or something l...