
Websphere transaction timeouts

When a websphere transaction times out and rollsback, one gets a message in the logs like the following:- [3/12/10 19:29:56:776 GMT] 00000010 TimeoutManage I WTRN0006W: Transaction 0000012753D8E96500000002009F4FDE1E3EDD09E83C231B61DC55BCB85DAB27C20566B00000012753D8E96500000002009F4FDE1E3EDD09E83C231B61DC55BCB85DAB27C20566B000000001 ha...

Problem with bidirection ManyToOne

I have two entities: Message and GeneratedMemberMessage. There are more fields than I'll show in code here, but these should provide enough for context to my question. I'm trying to do a simple bidirectional OneToMany relationship and from all that I've read, this is how it's to be done. You'll notice that I'm using composite keys. ...

CFMX6.1 deplying on Websphere 6.1 Server: Error 500: The Security service is not available.

I am deploying a CFMX6.1 application to a Websphere 6.1 server. The server starts up without any errors but when I goto the CF Adminstrator page (or any cf page) I get the following error: Error 500: The Security service is not available. Can you deploy CFMX6.1 to WS6.1? My searches on the internets seem to say yes and no. As far as t...

JSF html component on WebSphere 7.0

We are in the process of upgrading to WebSphere 7.0 on Windows 2008 R2. Our applications currently run on WebSphere 6.1 on Windows 2003. We use custom controls we wrote using JSF 1.1 in our applications. Our controls seem to render and interact fine, however whenever we use a JSF HTML component such as: <%@ taglib uri="http://java....

Websphere 6.1 Ldap Active Directory

I have recently upgraded from websphere 5.1.2 to websphere 6.1 server. I had some ldap code to query active direcotry that worked fine on 5.1.2 but now does not work on 6.1. I get the following exception: Caused by: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: Mode: SSL not implemented Is this because the security IBM is using is not com...

OpenEjb DeploymentLoader.getWebDescriptors NullPointerException

I am currently getting the following error when I try to startup an EAR that includes OpenEJB. The error is: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.openejb.config.DeploymentLoader.getWebDescriptors(DeploymentLoader.java:1057) at org.apache.openejb.config.DeploymentLoader.discoverModuleType(DeploymentLoader.java:1162) at or...

How to free up memory?

We have been facing Out of Memory errors in our App server for sometime. We see the used heap size increasing gradually until finally it reaches the available heap in size. This happens every 3 weeks after which a server restart is needed to fix this. Upon analysis of the heap dumps we find the problem to be objects used in JSPs. Can JS...

Startup Class in Websphere

I need to create a startup class in Websphere. This class is present in abc.jar. And also abc.jar requires log4j.jar at startup of server. For above scenario, i have created the startup class with abc.jar in classpath in websphere console and I kept log4j.jar in ext folder of WAS. This works for me. But problem is that the other profil...

Classloading in Websphere

Can somebody please explain me classloading in WAS? I found out that classloading in WLS is quite good in comparison to WAS. Is it so? ...

what is the default timezone in Websphere 6.1

Hi am running websphere 6.1 on RSA what is the default timezone set on it if i dont set any websphere variable etc(like the TZ variable). Running into this weird issue where my application shows timestamp correctly for User timezone ,when i run it from my dev env but pulls out all timestamps in GMT irrespective of the logged in users ti...

jvm version for Websphere Solaris

Hi I'm at big financial institute and we've an application running on Websphere 6.1. on Solaris. Due to MQ Connectivity we had to install fixpack Unfortunately this broke an ejb (1.1) which is still there as legacy (Test missed it). [3/23/10 11:33:18:703 CET] 00000055 EJBContainerI E WSVR0068E: Attempt to start EnterpriseBe...

Get the union of 2 series having different root items in Websphere TX

Here is a sample of my problem. I have the following typetree : Root |-Text(item) |-Texts(group, delimited, literal separator=<NEXT>, components=Text[1:s]) I have 3 cards : serie1 (type=Texts), rule =clone("test", 3) serie2 (type=Texts), rule =clone("test", 3) union (type=Texts), rule =? How can I get the union to contain bot...

JVM ID not found

Hi all, I've recently downloaded and installed WebSphere Application Server 7.0 on Windows 2003. I wanted to do a jstat (JDK 1.6) to probe the JVM but I kept getting " not found" message. Any idea why this is happening? Nicholas ...

Unable to jstat WebSphere Application Server PID

Hi stackoverflow'ers, I've spent the entire day trying to find relevant resources about doing jstat on the WebSphere Process ID. I have WebSphere Application Server 7.0 installed on Windows 2003. I did this command: jstat -gcutil [PID] 1000 But I kept getting "[PID] not found" message. Any idea how to resolve this issue? Or Java's js...

Websphere Scheduler

Websphere Scheduler is using scheduler datasource XA driver . When task is executed by scheduler it is starting a global transaction, but in our application we are creating a new connection to another database and explicitly commiting the data and closing the connection. This data source configured using non-XA driver datasource. For the...

Is it possible to virtualize war file execution without separate J2EE container deployments?

Let's say I want to allow my developers to upload their war files to a web app (not the application server itself) running on our intranet and that web app would then run those wars as if they were separate apps deployed individually in our J2EE container. In other words, we are not actually deploying the wars as separate apps in the c...

How to avoid ClassCastException in JMX calls with complex arguments on Websphere appserver

We are using JMX for communication between different EARs on the same Websphere application server (6.1). All works well if we only use Java types as arguments, but if we use our own classes as arguments the problem is that we get ClassCastExceptions on the receiver side. This is obviously a classloader problem: if the jar with the argum...

webshpere startup failing

web shpere startup failing due to following error in the log file. Caused by: com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.DisconnectException: [ibm][db2][jcc][t4][2043][11550] Exception java.net.ConnectException: Error opening socket to server localhost/ on port 50,000 with message: Connection refused: connect. ...

Websphere exception handling

Hi all, From a security standpoint, what is the best solution to handle application errors with Websphere? I've been thinking of creating a class that is called every time an application error is generated, log the error and display a generic error message to the users. In PHP this can be achieved using the set_exception_handler() fun...

wsadmin is taking 10 minutes to connect to Application Server

wsadmin is taking about 10 minutes to connect to the WebSphere Application Server 7.0 i tried this: C:\WAS_HOME\profiles\PROFILE_NAME\bin>wsadmin -lang jython -user -password -javaoption -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true but very disappointed to wait to get a session within the shell, for example: wsadmin> http://groups.google.com/g...