
Show nothing when 0 JasperReports format

I want to show nothing when a numeric value is zero (strict no zeros at left) What JasperReports format should I use so spreadsheet output like XLS gets empty cell when the value is zero 0;-0;;@ format? ...

reading/parsing xls files with python

Could someone provide the best way to read xls files with python (not csv files). if there a built in package which supported by default with python to this this task ? ...

How to export data to an excel file w/chart on iPhone?

Hi, I have some data in a sqlite database in my app, and my client wants an option that allows you to email it as an excel file which includes a chart of the data. Is this possible on an iPhone? Have a good one, Toby ...

What are MACROs in CSV or XLS files ?

What are Macros in CSV or XLS files ? How to enable or disable them ? ...

Handling xls & xml in same DGV.

Hey Friends, My winform application is having a DataGridView (DGV), I'm populating it from an xml file by using ReadXml() and displaying the contents into DGV: <deptt> <proj1> <Rel_Date>23 Jun 2010</Rel_Date> <Rev>0</Rev> <Doc>Some name of document</Doc> </proj1> </deptt> I've got a prob here.... How can I copy 3 cells from xls file a...

What is the best way to create XLS file in PHP

Hey Everyone, I am currently trying to figure out the best way to create a .xls file from PHP. It seems like to me that all I need to do is change the header content type to "application/vnd.ms-excel", and then output data in a comma separated format. Is this the best way to do this? Thanks for any help!Metropolis EDIT Would it be ba...

Convert .csv to .xls in Java.

Hey everyone, Does anyone here know of any quick, clean way to convert csv files to xls or xlsx files in java? I have something to manage csv files already in place and I need the extra compatibility for other programs. Sample code in addition to package names is always well appreciated. Many thanks, Justian Here's my code thus fa...

Smart XLS examples?

I want to use the Smart XLS library for dealing with excel files in C# (particularly because it can generate charts, and it's price is significantly lower than Aspose Cells), but I can't find any good examples for it. I just want to know how to create and modify charts, any guidance? ...

Issues converting csv to xls in Java? Only core Java experience needed - question not related to import.

Hey everyone, First of all, I understand that it's unusual that I want to up-convert like this, but please bear with me. We get these csv files via website export and we have no options to get it in any other form. Now, onto the question: I have this old code that will do this process for me. It basically reads each line, then picks o...

Open a file with specific page from an anchor tag.

Hi all, I am trying to open a specific page in a file from an anchor tag(<a href=""></a>). The anchor tag is in a xls file.When i tried doing this i am able specify find the specified page but when i pass a parameter i am nt able to find the location of the page. Can anyone help me in this pls. Thanks ...

IE6 opening XLSX file as an XLS file

My application generates XLSX files based on a users requirements. After the XLSX file is generated the user is redirected to where the file is saved using Response.Redirect... Response.Redirect("filename.xlsx") When the user then opens the file... they recieve this message. The file you are trying to open, 'filename.xls', is in a di...

How to groupColumn in .xlsx files using POI 3.6 ?

Hello, I recently switched from POI 3.1 (HSSF) to POI 3.6 (XSSF) and encountered a problem. The problem is that the groupColumn no longer works as expected! Does anyone know why the column grouping works properly only BEFORE writing in the cells from the worksheet and does not work well AFTER the worksheet is written? Is there a way...

C# import excel to Datatable

When passing a local path to an XLS to import to a datable, the system is giving an error where it is looking for the c:\ on the server rather than on the local machine. How can I import an XLS directly to a datable. ...

Create MySQL table from xls spreadsheet

Dear all, I wonder if there is a (native) possibility to create a MySQL table from an .xls or .xlsx spreadsheet. Note that I do not want to import a file into an existing table with LOAD DATA INFILE or INSERT INTO, but to create the table from scratch. i.e using the header as columns (with some default field type e.g. INT) and then ins...

JExcel Warning: Could not add cell at A257 because it exceeds the maximum column limit'

Hello! I was asked to add an average amount of data from my web-app (basically a List from a SQL) into a downloadable Excel file, so I did a servlet to generate the Excel. Problem is that jxl API doesn’t seem to like more than 256 rows, and my data is more than a thousand. Is there any way to go around this limitation? I would like t...

XLS formatting with basic table?

Hi, I'm trying to create a simple report on an intranet site. Based on this answer, I think I want to just go with a simple HTML table syntax. In that post, Joel Coehoorn says that there are some limited formatting options you can perform. Is it possible to add borders to the cells, and if so, how? My google-fu has failed to provide any...

Recommend a python library to read Excel xls files

Anyone doing this currently? What do you use? ...

using xlrd to read Excel xls file containing Chinese and/or Hindi characters

http://scienceoss.com/read-excel-files-from-python/comment-page-1/#comment-1051 From the above link i use this utility to read an xls file.If the xls contains different language characters like chine or hindi.It does not output the exact wordings.Is there a work around for this.. After googling i found this import xlrd def upload_xls...

System.IO.IOException in C# when doing xsl transformation

Hi All, I have some code I hope someone may be able to help me with. What I'm trying to achieve is to convert an Infopaths XML based form into a Word 2007 document using an embedded XSLT file to do the transformation. Code: XPathNavigator nav = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator(); string fieldProject = nav.SelectSingleNode("//my:Project"...

PHP Excel, but no Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer

Hello. I need to save some data in .xls file. I am trying to use PEAR library Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer. It is work. But now i am working with hosting without PEAR. Of cause, it is very terrible. Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer has a lot of dependencies. I need a module or code, which i can include in my scripts. Thx. ...