
Showing a loader while Spry XMLDataset loads the data

i am using Spry (SpryData.js,xpath.js) var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("_db/db.xml", "bildiriler/bildiri",{useCache:false}); // load the xml tree .... <!-- use it in a loop - Sometimes the page use "ds1.loadData();" to refresh the data --> <div spry:region="ds1" spry:repeatchildren="ds1"> <a href="#">{author}</a></div> ...

Slicing or some other way to only write part of a Spry XML record

I'm trying to import items from a XML RSS feed and use Spry to show recent blog posts in a blog on a site. It works fine, but I want to show just the first 30 characters followed by an ellipsis. I can't seem to find a way to shorten the spry element since in the region, {description} will not be evaluated before the surrounding code so I...