
How do you get AOL's OpenID site verification to work?

I have an OpenID relying party setup and using XRDS. It passes the "RP has discoverable return_to" interop test over at http://test-id.org/RP/DiscoverableReturnTo.aspx. Yahoo no longer complains with the message "Warning: This website has not confirmed its identity with Yahoo! and might be fraudulent." as outlined in Andrew Arnott's exc...

how could i make working self-hosted openid provider, connected to wordpress

Aim: To have own OpenId provider connected with self-hosted Wordpress blog, so Wordpress admin could use his OpenId to login to Admin Panel, and also to comment other blogs with this OpenId. Blog address: http://blog.blomqvist.no OpenId provider: /id/ OpenId created: same as blog address WP Plugins used: WP-Yadis 1.2.1 XRDS-Simple 1....

Retrieving XRDS document in OpenID using Ruby

I am just playing around with the OpenID protocol. I am trying to send Discovery request and retrieve the XRDS document from google . When I try to do it from the terminal using the curl, I am getting the following output curl --url "https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xrds:XRDS xmlns:x...