
Mod Rewrite rule to Zeus Server rule (Codeigniter)

Hi everyone, I'm about to go live with a Codeigniter powered site. I want to remove index.php from the url so that instead of this: http://www.mysite.com/index.php/controller I get something like this: http://www.mysite.com/controller So far, pretty straightforward. In the past I've used the mod-rewrite rule supplied by the Codeig...

Enable / disable session state per controller / action method

We are building an ASP.NET MVC application which will be deployed behind a hardware load balancer that supports, among other things, caching. Our proposal is to manually define which URL patterns should be cached by the load balancer. This will be quite an easy process for us as we have 'catalogue' pages which are relatively static, the...

Wordpress and Joomla Permalinks plus domain redirect to specific subdirectory on Zeus

Hi, Here's what I'm trying to do: joomla in 1 subdirectory, wordpress in another. mysite.com directs to the joomla directory mysite.com/blog gives wordpress. I would also like to use seo friendly permalinks for both. I am using Zeus Linux shared hosting with Joomla 1.5 and wordpress 2.9.2, and having a great deal of trouble finding ...

Symfony Rewrite rules on Zeus webserver

I would like to run a symfony project on a zeus webserver, however i cannot get the rewrite rules to work. Has anyone done this successfully The symfony .htaccess is as follows: Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On # uncomment the following line, if you are having trouble # getting no_script...

Help mod_rewrite to Zeus

I just found out my host is on ZEUS.. Please can somebody help me with my rewrites: domain.com/001234 redirects to domain.com/001234-some-keywords.html Apache: RewriteRule ^([0-9]{6}+)/?$ includes/redirect.php?ref=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^([0-9]{6})-.*?\.html$ templates/default/index.php?ref=$1 [L] tried this in Zeus: match URL into...

Apache mod rewrite rules to Zeus rewrite rules

Hi, This morning I wanted to move my development website online (in a protected folder), but I figured out that our host (on a shared server) does not use apache mod_rewrite but Zeus rules. I've never heard about that before but it seems that apache rules could be automatically converted via a command line, but as you can guess I have no...

ZEUS Server - Wordpress prettier URL rewrites with an exception?

hey guys, i bet there are a lot of regexp and rewrite nerds out there. I have a kind of a big problem with a current wordpress website i'm working on. my hosting provider gave me the following script to enable prettier urls for my wordpress blog on their zeus servers. this works really fine except i'm having one problem: heres the cod...

How to do url rewriting for zeus server?

Hello, My site is in zeus server. Now i need to redirect my site to secure site using https. I found that url rewriting code different for zeus server. How do i use url rewriting code? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

Url rewriting for Zeus - regex help

Hi, I've been landed with the unenviable task of putting a site live today only to find out its not running on Apache but instead is using Zeus. Now this breaks my mod_rewrite script rather messily. Its a simple script which I've rewrote into Zeus format: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule !404.php$ blog/404.php [L] becomes match URL in...