



The LGPL license is written for code libraries in mind. I want to use a set of LGPL licensed images (icons, mostly) in a proprietary application, and I'm not really sure how the license translates to graphics rather than code.

  1. Can I use the images at all?

  2. Should I, and where should I, leave any comments as for the source of the images?

  3. Can I make slight modifications to the images to make the compatible with the application? (Color adjustements, for example)

  4. Can I make more notable modifications to the images? (Change their "content")

  5. Can I use the images as templates to craete new images? (Use a round button graphic to create new button grpahics)

  6. Any other things I should be aware of?


First off, consult a lawyer - that's the only way to get sound advice on this sort of thing.

Seocndly, LGPL is really not intended for content, but rather for source code. It explicitly defines source and binary distribution, etc. I'm not sure why this license was applied to images, but it may have strange issues since it's not entirely appropriate as a license.

That being said, my guess would be to stick to the spirit of the license. Keep the images on disk, and load them at runtime (so they can be replaced, equivalent to allowing the user to recompile source and include at runtime). Keep the license text with the images. Make any modifications you wish, but keep those in the same manner, and document the changes in a text file of some form that's shipped with the images.

That would at least be following the spirit of the LGPL, since it would freely allow the imagery to be reused or modified by the end user.

Reed Copsey
+1  A: 

Well, obviously you'd need a lawyer for a definite answer.

But as far as I know, you can use the images. You can also change them, you just need to make the image's source available. With most images, the image itself is the source. If the image is somehow generated (PNG from SVG, or 3D image rendered from model), then the source would be what you needed to generate the image.

As for giving the source of the images, the LGPL says you must:

a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License.

b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document.

c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.


I am not a lawyer, and this should not be taken as legal advice, and you should probably consult one, but...

You should be able to use the images provided you make them available. If you modify the images your "derivative works" should also be made public as well. Additionally, you will have to include the license with your images/modified images.

Andrew Austin
+1  A: 

I would ask the copyright holder. As far as he licensed it LGPL, most probably he had the intend to allow use with third party closed source apps.

If you get a written "YES" from him, you should be ok, even if LGPL does not cover this topic.

NOTE: IANAL and I do not know if LGPL covers or not the use of the images. But generally, if the copyright holder says in clear text that you can, that's enough.


A lawyer is going to give you the best answer. But here's my thoughts.

It's a little odd to LGPL images since it's really intended to apply to source code and binary code, however the spirit of the LGPL should still apply.

  1. Yes. The LGPL allows one to 'link' to a set of code without violating the license and without needing to open the linking application. You may need to dynamically load the images from disk, since the LGPL allows for linking but not embedding.

  2. Anywhere you want that is visible and easy for your customers to get. If you have a download page on your website, easy to find links from there and perhaps any other related pages is typically acceptable. If your application installs, you can put a notice in the installer or just install a readme/LGPL license file and the images.

  3. No. You may be able to do so programatically, but if you edit it up front with an image editor I think you'd be violating the license to use them in a proprietary app.

  4. See #3

  5. See #3

  6. See if you can ask the image vendor for specific permission to do what you need without violating their license (basically, they relicense specifically for you).

Adam Sills