



So my workplace has recently started doing a fair amount of web development. Currently there are only 2 developers other than myself who can grasp more than the basic concepts of of the languages involved.

My manager wants to bring some of the other developers up to speed to take over some of the web development work that is piling up.

Most have backgrounds in C/C++/Java. I recommended several good books which were purchased and handed out, however the developers in question don't seem to be as enthusiastic about self-learning as I am and are requesting training courses.

My manager sent them to some of the Learning Tree courses (in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP); despite the developers saying the courses were helpful they still seem to be able to start the most basic of web pages/apps without someone holding their hands.

So other than Learning Tree are there any good Web development courses I can recommend to my manager?

+2  A: 

My question would be around motivation. Do these developers want to do the web work? If they don't no amount of training will help.

Seen similar in a couple of work places- esp the interweb support desks.

Dr J
+1  A:

JP's Nothing but Dot Net Boot Camp, but only if they are serious about learning.

Kevin Sheffield