



By way of study of Vim, I have begun to use Vimperator add-on for Firefox recently.

Therefore please teach it if there is recommended setting. Thanking you in advance.

+1  A: 

Not really. One of the remarkable characteristics of Vim (and Vimperator) is providing a pretty decent experience with the default configuration. What I would suggest you to do is to play around with macros (q) and hinting (f), the best, IMHO, features of Vimperator.

There are numerous examples of interesting macros, being my favourite the one that opens all the images on all tabs, each expanding into a new tab with the corresponding images. Try to write it! You'll need just markers and some javascript similar to Pornzilla's "Linked Images"


I made some small changes. Made moving between tabs a single keystroke instead of two, since it is the most common thing I do next to clicking links and scrolling.

Also show visual indicator instead of beeping, and show the destination of the selected hyperlink in the command line instead of the status line, so that I can still see the URL of the current page at all times.

From my _vimperatorrc file:

" Mappings
map b gt
map B gT
map a B

" Options
set visualbell
set complete=hbsf
set showstatuslinks=2

Two settings are extremely useful, at least for me:

:set wildoption=auto
:set cpt=l

You can try them from vimperator command line first. After you type in the first one, you will see dynamic hints immediately, for example, if you continue to try the second command and to see what mean by 'l' . With wildoption on, you access to an item from the hint list by pressing Tab key, instead of arrow keys which would not work in most cases.

Another one I like is to set up my Bookmarks as sidebar by default, the command is:

:sidebar Bookmarks

One more trick after you have wildoptions on, you can access to FireFox menu items by typing:

:emenu [key_word]
# or

where key_word is any menu key word such as Add-on.

I have several blogs on vimperator and how to set vimperator default settings.

Enjoy Vimperator. It is a great add-on for Firefox.