




I have been doing some java development lately and have started using Eclipse. For the most part, I think it is great, but being a C/C++ guy used to doing all of his editing in vim, I find myself needlessly hitting the Esc key over and over.

It would be really nice if I got all the nice features of Eclipse, but still could do basic editing the same way I can in vim. Anyone know of any Eclipse pluggins that would help with this?


You mean other than the ones that Google finds when you search for:

eclipse vi

The decision of which to choose is not obvious in the least.
+8  A: 

there is this plugin that costs $20+ http://satokar.com/viplugin/

I use it and it works great, you've got basic vi movement commands and a set of others.

Here is an open source, free plugin but i've never been able to get it working (i'm on a mac).


You can also go the other way and get eclipse code completion inside vim. http://eclim.sourceforge.net/ You basically run an instance of eclipse and you will be working inside vim. They just released a version compatible with eclipse 3.4

The only problem with viplugin is that it doesn't do a lot of *vim* specific features that a lot of us have come to expect.
I use viPlugin and it contains most of what I would want in a vi-plugin for eclipse. But I find it extremely buggy when doing anything but the most basic moving around. Unfortunately, I find it the best optional available. I can't fathom editing using the arrow keys on the keyboard. My productivity would drop like a rocket. Let alone the other basic vi editing features.
This plugin specifically does NOT allow key mapping as the OP requests.
When I last used it, many of the bugs had been fixed. All of the features I need it has. If you're new to an enviornment/toolkit ie. jdt/cdt/pdt, I suggest using it a while before turning on the plugin to make sure you can spot a bug if there is one. The same might be true for new projects etc. Overall I LOVE the plugin.Also, it really seems to not get in the way with a lot of eclipse's hot keys. Usually, all you have to do is go into insert mode to get the benefits of the keyboard mouse + eclipse hot keys (just like gvim).
+22  A: 

Vrapper: http://vrapper.sourceforge.net/home/

Tobiasz Cudnik
Tried it, loved it. Using it right now.
after adding the update link, there is nothing to install
Vrapper works quite well. But it doesn't support VI-style search/replace yet.