



As a Delphi developer moving to .NET I'm expecting similar concept like TDataModule & TForm to be available. However, I could not find way to make a reference from a component on a Form to another component on another Form (or Component) class.

I understand technical difference underlying the issue. Delphi component architecture is based on component-streaming (resource serialization), but .NET form is actually a code generator. If it's not possible to do such thing; I wonder how typically, form UI designer put common component into the same place ? Does it always have to be implemented in code only ?

For a bit more specific to what I'm trying to accomplish; I'm using DevExpress XtraGrid for which multiple instance of grids can reference to common "ExternalRepository" How can the grids in separated forms reference to the same instance of ExternalRepository ? Setting this property via code is completely eliminate grid design-time capabilities.

Any trick here?


Question answered by DevExpress Forum

Sorry, but it seams like it is not possible. You will find some explaination about this in this support center issue:

Can the same PersistentRepository be linked to many GridControls in different forms in design time?

Short answer: only possible at runtime.

Regards, Marc Greiner [DX-Squad]
